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Arabelle was sat in the Hufflepuff common room with her friends and a few others, staring at the juice Bridget had placed in-front of her, her mind kept going back to the conversation her and Malfoy had.

Was he being nice? Or was that just her?

She smiled at Nina who was talking to Luna, looking around at everyone.

She didn't understand why or whether he was nice to her, she had always been a major bitch to him since he was with Pansy.

"I'm so sad we leave tomorrow." Saoirse says, looking at Arabelle who looks back up to her friend and nods her head on agreement.

"How are you and Theodore going?" Cho asks politely making small talk.

"Good, he's lovely." Arabelle says, half heartedly.


The next morning Arabelle wakes up on the sofa, it was quiet for once, no Draco or Blaise passed out on there, she sighed and smiled to herself for no reason in particular.

She trods upstairs and grabs her bags, rushing to the great hall where everyone already was, waiting for the registers.

They called the names out and made their way to the train station, Arabelle's arms were interlinked with her friends as they chattered on.


( this was just a filler, just to get me going. I realise I need to update this more, with stories I get bored and stuck in a rut but all the support really does help! If your still reading pls follow me and comment or vote, do anything you like to support the story because it really does motivate me seeing all the reads on the story!)

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