Issues pt 2

584 10 2

Y/N's PoV
I wake up and Jonah is gone, but there is singing downstairs. Sometimes Ian is a better uncle than my actual brother. I head downstairs and see Ian and Jonah making pancakes. "Good morning boys. Is Uncle Ian teaching you how to make pancakes Jonah?" I ask my son.

"Yeah! We're having fun. Uncle Ian already spilled pancake mix on his shirt." Jonah laughs. I laugh too as Ian shrugs.

"What can ya do." I laugh at the two of them and grab a water.

"Jonah and I will probably wanna go home around noon. Damien will be hungover so he'll be asleep pretty late." I explain, seeing as Ian is the one that'll have to drive us.

"Mommy, are you and dad angry at each other?" Jonah asks me.

"No baby, just wanted to have a slumber party with Uncle Ian." I laugh, trying to cover up that fact that that's exactly what was going on. Jonah nods and pours pancake mix on the griddle. I get in the fridge and grab a water for my son, handing it to him. "Hey Ian, can I tell you something that I should've told Damien almost a month ago?" I ask him.

"Of course." He follows me to the hallway. "What is it?" Ian asks.

"Ian, I'm pregnant. Have been for around a month or so, almost two now." As the words leave my mouth, Ian screams. Like a girl scream. "Woah, Ian no. Never scream like that again." I laugh at him.

"Wow! I'm gonna be an uncle to 2 children now!" Ian starts skipping around the house. "YAY!"

"Mommy why does he sound like a girl?" Jonah asks.

"Because baby guess what."


"Mommy has another baby in her tummy."

"Like me?"

"Yes like you but it could be a girl."

"Oooo I want a sister." He smiles. "Does dad know you got a baby?" He whispers.

"No not yet."

"How bout I drive you home and you can tell him?" Ian asks.

"How about we wait until after pancakes?" I answer.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Jonah exclaims.

When Ian finally takes us home, Jonah runs right to his room. Damien was sitting at the kitchen table, still in his suit from last night, hair a mess. "Damien?" I say. Damien flys out of his seat.

"Y/N, why the hell would you stay with Ian for almost the whole day instead of coming home to talk?" He begins to say but I cut him off, still filled with rage.

"Damien, listen, you are going to be fucking done talking to me how you have been lately. Or next time I have to spend the night with Ian or my father, Jonah and I won't be returning. Fucking remember that." I tell him. "Now, are you done bitching at me already?"

"Yes, I'm done. For real. Y/N I am sooooo sorry for what I said and for how I've been treating you lately. You and Jonah are the most important people in my life, you two are my world and nothing can change that." He apologizes and I decide to give in.

"Well, your worlds about to get a whole lot bigger, because we have another baby on the way." I smile at him.

"Wait really?" Damien puts a hand on my stomach and we just stare at each other, until Jonah comes downstairs.

"Dad!" He yells, jumping into his dad's arms. "I can't wait to be a big brother!"

"I can't wait to see you be a great big brother." Damien says before looking at me. "And I really am sorry for causing all these issues."

Damien Haas//Shayne Topp  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now