Baby on the way (Shayne)

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This chapter is fucking long but I'm pretty proud of it.

Y/N's PoV
I wake up at 3 am, the baby kicking me harder than he ever has. "Fuck!" I yell, not liking the pain. Shayne shoots up next to me and his arm is around me and he's rubbing my back.

"You ok baby?" He asks me, planting a kiss on my forehead. I feel bad but, I yell at him.

"OF FUCKING COURSE IM NOT SHAYNE! I have a human fucking kicking me!" He seems to jump at my voice and I apologize right away. "Fuck I'm sorry love." He smiles.

"I understand babe. You are in pain." The baby doesn't stop kicking me and I begin to cry. Shayne wraps his arms around me and lays us down. The kicks subside and I close my eyes.

"I love you Shayne..." I whisper into our dark room, thinking my boyfriend is asleep.

"I love you too my love."

When I wake up in the morning, Shayne isn't there. I try to get up so I can go to the bathroom but I fail. I keep trying until I realize, maybe I should call for Shayne. "SHAYNE!!!" I scream, hoping he hears. I hear running and a thump on the stairs.

"IM COMING!!" Shayne bursts through the door. "Are you ok? Is the baby coming? What do you need?" I put a hand up to stop him.

"I just need help sitting up." I say. I swear I see Shayne chuckle as he comes to help me. "This little shit needs to get out soon." I complain.

"I can't wait to find out what gender they are." Shayne says. He doesn't know but it's a boy. I don't wanna tell Shayne yet. He helps me up and kisses my cheek. "Hurry up, gotta get to work." He tells me. I nod, heading for the bathroom. Once I'm finished, I walk out to see a pair of leggings and one of Shayne's bigger shirts laying on the bed. I change and try to grab my shoes but I can't. I'm sick and tired of this.

"SHAYNE!" I scream for the second time this morning.

"Coming babe!" He yells back. I sigh and just look at the ground. "Y/N? Why are you crying?" He asks me.

"I just don't want to be pregnant anymore. I can't even put my own shoes on! I'm ugly and I've gained a ton, not just because I have a human in my stomach but because all this fucking ice cream I've been eating!" I begin to sob more. Shayne just pulls me in and doesn't let me go.

"Babe. You may not feel it but you are absolutely beautiful. I love you so much and so does that fucking baby. You probably won't believe this but I love helping you as much as I have." Shayne reassures me before bending down to help me with me shoes.

"I love you Shayne." I say to him, wiping my tears. "You're the absolute best." I add.

"I know I am." Is all Shayne says as he stands up and offers me his hand.

"Cocky much?" I ask as we head downstairs, laughing. I see the hospital bag we've had packed next to the couch. "You really think he'll pop out any day now?" I ask Shayne. His eyes seem to pop out of his head and I realize I said the baby's gender.

"It's a boy? Y/N when did you find out?" He seems calm at the moment but I know when I tell him he's not gonna be happy. I pick up both of my bags and start heading out the door without a word. I hear Shayne behind me though and get scared as we sit in the car. "When did you find out?" He asks again.

"Around 4 months ago..." I mumble. Shayne hears it though. He doesn't say anything, just continues to drive to Smosh headquarters. When we arrive, Shayne just gets out of the car and walks inside. I spot Damien walking in and open the car door, yelling. "Damien!" I yell, he sees me and rushes over.

"Are you ok Y/N? Where'd Shayne go?" He asks me as he helps me out of the car. I grab the bags and Damien takes the hospital bag.

"He's not too happy with me. I let it slip that the baby is a boy even though I wanted to surprise him. He got angry that I've known for 4 months without saying anything." I explain as Damien helps me inside.

"He got so angry that he didn't even help you out of the car. Damn." We get to the elevator and I lean against the wall, the baby kicking again. "Woah are you ok?" Damien seems stressed right away.

"Yeah, he's just kicking pretty hard right now. I wouldn't be surprised if I was giving birth tomorrow." I tell Damien. The doors open and Damien has one arm around me, the other holding one of my bags. Everyone stares at us and Courtney rushes to help as well. They sit me in a chair as I breath heavily, the kicking not stopping.

"Where's Shayne?" Damien asks Courtney.

"He went into the kitchen. He didn't seem too happy." She explains. I begin to cry as the kicking gets worse. Damien pulls me into a hug, trying to calm me down. I see Shayne but he doesn't look at me. Courtney stomps over to him and turns him around. I hear her somewhat yelling and Shayne finally looks over at me. Damien reaches into my bag and pulls out a water bottle.

"Here, take a sip of this, try to calm down. I read somewhere that the more stressed you are the more a baby moves." He tells me and I nod. Courtney walks back over with a small smile.

"Court, I gotta piss, can you help me to the bathroom? I would ask Shayne but we know how he's being." I explain and Courtney nods, helping me up.

"Let's go mama. Damien we'll be back." Courtney says and we head for the bathroom. When we walk in I sigh.

"Court." I say.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"My water broke." I tell her. "It did like when Damien and I were in the elevator I just didn't wanna freak him out." I tell her and her eyes seem to pop out.

"Well then come on! We have to get to the hospital." She says, walking with me back to my bags and Shayne. "Shayne!!" She yells when we see Shayne talking to Damien.

"What?" He asks.

"Your girlfriends water broke. Let's go!" Courtney yells. Shayne flies up and I see everyone watching us. Shayne grabs the bags. Ian rushes over, as well as Olivia, and Noah. Damien seems to be freaking out. Five of us get in Courtney's car and head for the hospital. Olivia and Shayne sit on either side of me as Courtney and Damien are up front.

"Is everyone else gonna meet us there?" I ask, taking a deep breath due to a contraction.

"Ian, Noah, and everyone else are gonna be there later. For now let's focus on you Y/N." Damien tells me.

"Babe I'm sorry I got all angry at you. I'm sure you just wanted it to be a surprise." Shayne tries to say but I put a hand up, still working through my contraction. "Sorry."

We've been at the hospital for around 10 hours now. Everyone is waiting in the room with me but I'm still not dilated enough. I take a deep breathe as another contraction hits me, this time it's bigger than any of them. "Love are you ok?" Shayne asks me.

"Do I look ok to you Shayne?" I snap. I know he's just worried but, I'm not very happy. Wes walks in with another cup of ice for me. "Thank you Wes." I say, my mood changing right away. A nurse comes in and lifts my blanket.

"Ms. Y/L/N you're 10 cm dilated. Do you feel ready?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I respond. Everyone is cleared out except Courtney and Shayne. "Let's get this baby out." I say as nurses and my doctor come into my room.

Another 10 hours later and my baby boy is born. Courtney runs out of the room while they clean him to tell everyone. Shayne and I watch them until he is set in my arms. Our friends flood into the room, taking pictures of Shayne and I. "What's his name?" Ian asks.

"Damien. Damien Levi Topp." I say, a big smile on my face. I see Damien start to tear up. Just wait until we tell him he's the god father.

Damien Haas//Shayne Topp  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now