Meeting the Fleets and Rescue Operation pt 1

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A/N I'm giving Montana a phone because it helps with the music aspects of the story. All songs and images belong to their respective owners/creators

My alarm clock goes off at 0600 so I can go do some PT. As I go out for a run, I notice how beautiful the sky looks as the sun rises over the ocean, I also have the feeling that someone is watching me. Shrugging it off,I put my headphones back in and start doing PT exercises. After an hour I head back to my barracks to shower. I just finished putting on my jacket when there's several knocks at my door. Walking over and opening it, I'm greeted by a smiling Enterprise and Belfast. I greet them,"Good morning, ladies."  Both respond in kind with bright red cheeks. I step out making sure that I have everything I need for the day, before locking the door. Enterprise speaks up, "Montana, why did you lock your door." I look at her, "This morning while I was doing my PT, I felt somebody watching me. So locking the door makes me feel a little less nervous." She nods and starts walking towards a large building along with Belfast. I sprint after them, as I catch up to them I notice that I'm at least 3 inches taller than Belfast and 2 inches taller than Enterprise.  As we enter the building, a lot of the girls stop and stare at me.  I follow Enterprise to the chow line and notice Nevada working the line, she spots me and grins "Hiya little brother, how'd ya sleep?" I notice how quiet it is behind me as I respond, "I slept well, Nevada. Thanks for asking. How did you find out my size for my pajamas?" She winks "Its a secret." I then notice the noise level behind me as the other girls are whispering, I over hear one girl asking Pennsylvania "Did all of you Eagle Union battleships claim him as your little brother?" Pennsylvania grins and giggles "Yep", I walk past her table on purpose, "Good morning,Pennsylvania." She grins and responds "Good morning lil' brother. Ready for your introduction after breakfast?" "Im a little nervous but I guess it's just anticipation." She nods and goes back to eating. I head over to the table where Belfast and Enterprise are, as I sit down, my phone starts playing a song by Sabaton. It's called Fields of Verdun, it's about WWI but I feel that it's speaks the truth about the losses during my worlds WWII.

The song gives off a sense of foreboding because of the silence. All the girls look at me as I fumble to shut off the music. When I finally get my phone out of my pocket and turn off the music, I notice pretty much all the girls are standing looking at my phone. One destroyer asks "What is that?" I hold it up, "it's a phone, it should allow me to call places but I don't have service, it also allows me to listen to music, like the song that just played." Another girl asks "What was that song?" I respond, "Its called Fields of Verdun, its about a battle from a war in my world called World War I, as a battle happened in a town called Verdun that lasted 303 days and claimed almost 750,000 lives." All the girls look at me with shock and sadness. I look at the playlist and speak up, "There are several songs on here that describe the horrors of war. I saw some in my war, such as the Sakura empire of my world would secure men into the cockpit of planes and send them out to purposely ram them into ships,trying to sink them. I personally took five, the ship in my navy that took the most was Laffey." At this all the girls look at said destroyer, as she looks sleepy and shocked at the same time which I didn't know was possible. Belfast taps my shoulder and tells me "Montana, it's time for us to take you to the assembly hall so you can introduce yourself to the rest of the fleets." I put my phone back in my pocket and stand up, grabbing my tray and taking it to the tray return. I look back at the other girls, "I look forward meeting you all later,but I have some where to be." As I turn to leave I notice a tall girl staring at me with what I believe is lust 'That must be Ark Royal, got keep an eye out for her' I think to myself. As Enterprise, Belfast and I leave, I notice Ark Royal following us at a distance. I tap Belfast on the shoulder, "I believe I found the girl that was watching me earlier." She looks past me and see Ark Royal and nods "I agree, what do you want to do about it?" I think for a moment, then respond, "Let her continue for a little while and if she starts trying weird shit, I'll stop her." Enterprise pales at that and turns to me, "Like how you stopped Gridley?" I nod and start walking again, looking at my phone trying to find the best introduction song.

Rise of a Legend (Male Superbattleship OC x Azur Lane)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat