Chapter 64- Mature Content Warning

Start from the beginning

But she didn't live like that was the case.

When I met her, she was humorous. Seffy and her always making jokes as they did business. Laughing and being quite the wise ass. My own curiosity peaking each time she emerged from a fight bloodied up, but victorious.

Something in her reveling at the fact that she couldn't be beaten.

But it's been quite some time.

And I don't know if that's the case anymore.

I watch as Solus brings the jar up to her lips and tosses it back. Drinking it all in one go. Her face twisting into a grimace as he hands me the jar.

"How long?" She asks.

"The potion is to take immediate effect. It's best if you sit." I say and she does. Crossing her legs as she sits on the floor expectantly. The line of the circle between us beginning to glow, Solus looking around in confusion but my doubt was clear.

I don't know if I can help her.

But I had no choice now. We were already here.

The magic takes hold of me and my vision goes white. Flashes of Sol's memory attack me. Fragments, broken pieces of faces and memories, the smell of whiskey was suddenly very evident.

Then it stops.

A growing girl, sitting on the floor of a dark room as she played with a handheld game device.

Her hair hanging in front of her face as the screen lit up the air around her. Then I saw the sudden jerk of her head. Like she was trying to stay awake. The smell of whiskey was much stronger.

The only light there was, was of the game screen in her hands.

I get closer, bending down to see the girls face. A young Solus, couldn't be more than thirteen or fourteen. But her eyes dropped sleepily as she stared at the screen. Her head bobbing again.


She was drunk.

She can't be drunk, she's only a child! Other fragments of Sol's memory tried to push them selves in, but I remained focused.

What is it about this memory. Why are we here?

Suddenly I'm thrown back as the glow of the salt line dims. My vision clears and my eyes look towards the window.

Half the day is gone.

I lean up off the floor, my head aching as I see Solus, sprawled out on the floor as she breaths heavily. Her face covered in tears and sweat, boogers trailing from her nose. She angrily wipes them away with her sleeve.

"I don't wanna do this anymore." She says standing off the floor.

"Solus we have to try."

"I don't wanna do this anymore!" She shouts frantically.

"We can't stop Solus!" I argue but before either one of us could protest, we are both sucked back in. The magic taking full hold as the memory replays itself.

There is much more light now.

Solus, sitting in the middle of the room, but a white rectangular light shines on her. My head swivels around to see the large silhouette of a man coming down the stairs. The door closing behind him as the stairs creak under his weight.

"Daddy I'm hungry." Solus voice is small, barely above a whisper.

I look to the man again. His face is hidden in shadows. Solus knows who he is. But why is his face hidden?

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