I quickly put my over it, thinking: crap what am I going to say to that. "Uh...I accidentally ran into a tree today." I said shrugging my shoulders.

When I shrugged it hurt so bad. "Hey, the guys are here by the way, we are going to watch a movie. Do you want to come down with us?" I nodded.

We headed down stairs to see, Zach, Mike, Brandon, and Elmo in the theater room. They all were sitting on some couches. "What about Jo Tim, is he coming over?" I asked, Tim shook his head.

"I asked him if he wanted to come, but he had other plans." Tim said in a sad voice.

I sat by Elmo, who just smiled at me, I returned it. "So, Zach were you ok? Tim said you needed help with something." I said in a calm voice, but I just wanted to hug him, to see if he is hurt anywhere from the rogue attack.

Zach looked at me, then looked away quick.

We watched 'The Dark Night', yeah my favorite movie ever. Through the movie, we ate popcorn, cotton candy, m&ms, ice cream, and we are drinking Mountain Dew.

We laughed a little about the movie. Suddenly, it turned into a food fight, which I don't know who started it. Using my skillful ninja skills, I got Tim with dumping Mountain Dew all over his head with him screaming like a three year girl.

He yelled at me, glaring at me with those's misfit eyes, but he chuckled along with the guys.

That's when I felt something cold all over my face. It was ice cream, it was started melt which became sticky. I realized it was from my brother of course, and man did it suck. I licked some of it off, then smirked at Tim.

He suddenly stopped grinning as he saw my eyes, I can tell he knew something was off. I jumped on him, tacking him to the ground, and pinning him with ease, but I was cheating. I used some of my supernatural strength.

With a grin on my face, I grabbed the closest thing that was near me which was salsa. I dumped it all over his face, laughing at him and smearing it into his hair. I was laughing so hard that I didn't have a chance to get away as the twins grabbed me, then smashed a pie in my face.


I was wiping it off my face, then I grabbed ketchup and mustard, then aimed it at twins.

Both stopped laughing as soon as I got them right in the face, they shrieked in horror. "Ha, don't like it, have some more." I said. It was all over their shirts by now, staining them.

They glared at me, but being me I just stuck my tongue out at them. They lunge towards me, but dodged them.

Elmo was grabbing something, but I couldn't tell because, next thing I know, I was covered in it.

It was mayo, it was all over me too. It's stitch hurting my sensitive nose. Elmo laughed at me, while I was scooping some melted cheese out of jar, then throwing it at him. He was covered in it as well, I laughed even harder when he started licking it off himself; licking it while making weird sounds.

Zach was the only one clean in the room. We all stopped, and looked at Zach who was looking at us with a terrified look in his eyes. On the count of three, we all threw random food at him. Now he was all covered in food like us. We all laughed at him, and hi-five each other while he growled at us.

We all stopped laughing, but me, I couldn't stop. I was gasping for breath by now. I wiped my tears away, and before I could do anything, a tight grip formed around my elbow.

I quickly looked up to see Zach, who is furious as ever.

I rolled my eyes while I tried to pull my elbow away from him. Sadly, he didn't budge. I looked at him in the eyes to see pure rage, and somewhat; lust. "Get your hands off me, or I'll make you." I said looking into his eyes.

He was breathing heavily now, his hand tightened while I was thinking to rip his head off. He still didn't let go, the guys behind me didn't do anything, but whimper.

I know what he is doing, he's trying to get me to listen to him, big mistake there buddy. I felt my body go hot, and my animal forms wanted to rip his head off so badly. But, I'm keeping my other half a secret.

Calm down Light, all he is doing is showling off, I told myself.

I looked at him then said, "Are you sure you want to fight me, I'm not in a mood to start a fight." Zach smirked, but I can tell he was a little curious.

He shooked his head no, while I laughed at him, that got him off guard.

I grab his hand, then twisted it till he fell to the floor, wincing in pain. "You think your so strong to take a human like me, but your wrong. If you ever touch me again, I'll rip your head off, and make sure you don't wake up. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME. YOU. LITTLE- ?!" I stopped myself from yelling out 'mutt' before they notice anything odd. Without hesitation I knocked him out.

He fell to the floor with a sharp thud. I looked back to see Tim, Mike, Brandon, and Elmo took a step back, I rolled my eyes. "Sorry if I scared you guys, lets just say I hate people touching me." I said looking away from them. Ignoring their creepy stares.

"Wow, no one in my life could take out Zach like that." Mike said amused, breaking the silence.

I nodded, understanding where he was going with this as I took my seat. Tim sat next me, while everyone else sat on the other couch.

"You were a good street fighter weren't you back at the orphanage." I nodded at Tim, with a cocky smile. I saw Mike, Brandon, and Elmo had their mouths opened wide.

"Yes, I was a street fighter, and the best. I never got hurt, I was always on top. I made my own money out of it." I said thinking back when I first started it.

"That's cool. My future girlfriend is a street fighter, and she kicks ass. Boo yah!" Mike said fist pumping in the air.

I stared at him oddly, laughing a little. "Sorry Mike, but your not my type." Mike immediately stopped grinning, showing me his exotic eyes which was stupid.

"Are ya sure, because I'm available. You know." Mike puffed his chest out, stretching his thin muscles.

I couldn't handle it as I busted out laughing at his foolishness. "How long will Zach be like that, it's pretty funny right now, but when he wakes up he will be after you." He chuckle nervously.

"Well if he does, I'll knock him out again. He won't wake up till morning. When I knock people out they're out like a light." I said acknowledging the fact that it's true.

We all laughed till we all got tired. Elmo struggled to carry Zach to his car, then taking him home while saying he had to take a shower.

The twins helped me clean up, also Tim too. After we cleaned, the twins left to go home for a shower as well and Tim went to take one as well.

I took another shower to get off all the smell, and stickiness off me. After I showered, I quickly got in bed, then turned off my lamp. I felt darkness closing in on me.




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