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we were at the beautiful Cornwall beach and we lied there watching the sunset. The bright orange and pink was mesmerising, but so were his emerald eyes and musty blonde hair. I stared at him longingly until he looked back at me. I couldn't help but smile, he started leaning in and I got anxious and then...

"Get up we're gonna be late" Toby shook me waking me up from one of the best dreams I've ever had.

"mmmm" I replied trying to go back to my dream.

"I'll get Issac if you don't get up!" he said sternly

I sat up immediately, not wanting the get the wrath of my oldest brother. Toby left warning me to be quick, I ran to the bathroom to sort my bedhead out and to brush my teeth. I shared my bathroom with Cory, another one of my brothers. Yes I unfortunately had 7 older brothers and i was the baby sister. It sucked, I was the only girl in the house since my mum passed away when i was young. After I had made myself look presentable I put on my school uniform, I hated my uniform. It was blue and white and did not look flattering at all.

I rushed downstairs to the kitchen where I grabbed a croissant before heading to the door where Leo, Toby and Liam where waiting for me. Leo was 18, Toby 17, Liam 16 and I was 14 almost 15. I'm not sure how my mum managed to pop us all out one after another. I was in year 10, we were all in the same school as the school did college teaching as well. However Leo and toby didn't have to wear uniform they got to wear whatever they wanted.

"Pull your skirt down, your gonna end up showing your whole ass of." Jacob came behind me and shot dirty looks my way. Jacob was 22, he worked  as a assistant in psychotherapy.

"No I'm not" I replied without hesitation, I heard Leo chuckled behind me.

"Just do what your god dam told Riley" he walked away into the kitchen and I pulled it down noticing Issac glaring at me.

Issac was the oldest at 23, I got on well with him but he was the scariest when he was mad, Out of all my brothers he was most definitely the boss. He worked as a paramedic so working and looking after us all was hard. My dad was at work a lot so Issac had to step in and take control of the hectic household. When my dad wasn't at work he was most strict, him being at work made life a little less stressful, apart from 7 brothers watching your back at all times. We all loved Dad and we all understood that his job meant he wasn't here a lot, in fact it was us who urged him to take the massive opportunity of a job. My other brothers Caleb 21 and Corey, 19 where both doing online university courses because they didn't want to leave home a lot like dad did. I'm not sure why it was a big deal to them it just was. 

We got in the car and toby put the radio on while I scrolled through Instagram. My phone pinged and I felt eyes on me, Liam who was sat in the back with me peered over my shoulder and looked at my phone.

"It's just Libby." I said reassuring them, Libby was my best friend and one of my only friends. A lot of people were sometimes scared to be my friends because of my brothers, Libby wasn't though she was pretty much part of the family, and i was part of hers too. She had 2 older brothers Luke and Lucas, so she knew how it felt to have them being protective all the time.

We arrived at school and I got out the car. I looked around hectically for Libby but I couldn't see her.

"Oi, skirt" Liam said as I stared at him angrily pulling my skirt down to make them all happy.

I locked eyes with Libby and I ran to her in attempt to escape from the mini pep talk of the day. I got to Libby trying the urge her to hurry up and walk with me. Leo caught up grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"Hey moody ass, stop with the attitude. Did you do your homework?"

"I haven't got an attitude and yeah" I lied trying not to make it obvious I hadn't done my homework.

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