Sara looked at Max questioningly. She still doesn't have a partner and she doesn't know if Max already has one.

"Sorry, Sara. Paired up with Ben, last Friday. He asked me and even offered to do all the work. So, sorry." Max then walked over to where Ben was seated.

Sara just stood there by the door not know what to do and who to approach to be her partner. Everyone seemed to be paired up already.

"Ms. Raatko, do you have a partner already?" Mr. James asked Nyssa.

Nyssa looked up from the book she was reading and answered, "No, sir. I don't."

"Alright then. Ms. Lance, you'll be partners with Ms. Raatko." Mr. James motioned for Sara to sit next to Nyssa.

Sara followed to where their teacher was pointing and when she realized who it was she tried to protest. "Sir, I can't be partners with her."

"Unless you can tell me that you can pass this class on your own Ms. Lance, you'll pair up with Ms. Raatko, whether you like it or not."

With no other choice, Sara made her way and sat next to Nyssa.

"Again, I apologize for what had happened last Friday. I never meant to frighten you. I...I'm sorry. I know you really must hate this arrangement, if you really want to change partners, I will talk to Mr. James." Nyssa said to Sara without even looking at her. She just kept on glancing from the front of the class where Mr. James is discussing and to the notes she was taking.

Sara looked at Nyssa, studying her. The sheer focus of Nyssa's eyes, her striking cheekbones, and her mouth set on a grim straight line. She does look intimidating. But looking at her closely, Sara noticed that there's a subtle hint of softness and genuineness about her.

"There's no need for that. I'll be alright. Don't worry. I promise that I won't try to kill you, when you piss me off again."

Nyssa couldn't tell if she heard a playful tone to how Sara said the last part or if she was just imagining it, and that made her look at the girl beside her. And Nyssa saw a sweet smile on Sara's face. It made Nyssa smile as well, but she didn't say another word. Afraid that she might break the chance she has for Sara's forgiveness.

Class ended and everyone got out, except for Nyssa. She always waited for everyone to leave before she does as well. She didn't notice that Sara was waiting for her by the door, and was surprised when she got up from her seat and turned to leave.

"I still haven't forgiven you, just so we're clear. But if you help me not fail this class, maybe I'll consider it." Sara said teasingly and gave Nyssa a smile.

"Thank you, Sara." Nyssa smiled back.

Sara turned and left the room. Nyssa waited a little, trying to get a hold of her heart which once again was beating fast.


Sara and Max were sitting under the same tree that Nyssa shot her arrow at, eating their lunch.

"I'm so sorry! I left you hanging and got you stuck with Nyssa. If you want I'll talk to Mr. James and have us exchange partners. You can take Ben."

"No, it's okay. There's no need for that."

"How can you be so calm about it? Did you forget that she shot an arrow at you?" Max eyed her curiously.

"So, now you're concerned?" Sara said teasingly. "Anyway, she did apologize and said she wasn't actually shooting at me. And she seems nice."

"I think you're traumatized. Well, whatever. What about your secret admirer? Figured that one already? Did you get another one today?"

It hadn't really crossed Sara's mind since the almost getting shot by an arrow incident. After that, all she could think about was the way Nyssa looked at her, the grave concern in her voice when she asked Sara if she was okay, and the heated stare they shared before Nyssa walked off. Yeah, she totally forgot all about the notes that were secretly left for her in her locker.

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