Chapter 11

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I'm too afraid to look at Michael, too afraid to hear what he has to say. "About what?" I say quietly.

"You know about what, Jaelyn." He grabs my hand in his. I finally turn to face him. Realization finally dawns on me.

"You remember. You know what happened Saturday night." I say. I can't believe he would hide this from me. There  is only one reason why he would pretend it never happened, he regretted it. I'm so stupid. How did I not see this?

"Yeah, I do. I remember every single thing. Everything we talked about, the kiss, and some things I said after the kiss." His face turns bright red. "And I can't pretend anymore Jaelyn. I just can't. It hurts to just sit here and pretend like nothing happened because my life has been completely flipped upside down."

"Michael-" I try to stop him before he goes any further and yank my hand out of his.

"No. Let me finish. I have been holding this in for almost four years. And I can't do it anymore. I hate that you're with Ashton. Not only because of the way he treats you, but because I want you. I want to you to be with me, not him. You deserve so much better and you don't see that."

"Michael, stop. Please just stop." I beg. Maybe he didn't regret the kiss but still he needs to shut up. This friendship is important to me. I don't want to lose it. I can't lose it.

"Why? Because you're afraid of feeling the same way? That maybe I could be more than just your  friend? J, just listen, please. I'm begging you." He pleads.

I shake my head. "Michael, you aren't 'just' my friend. You're, like, my best friend." I tell him. There really aren't any words to describe what he is to me.

He laughs with amusement at my use of best friend. "It doesn't matter. I still feel the same. Every time I see you with him, it kills me inside. But I don't say anything because I know how you feel about it. Bt I won't stand by anymore. He doesn't deserve you. You are so amazing and beautiful and smart. And he's...he's just not. He sucks. I want you, Jaelyn. I need you."

"No Micheal! Stop! Just stop talking. Don't say anything else. Please!" Tears start to pour out of my eyes for the second time that day.

"No, I won't stop. I am going to tell you everything I need to say." He says, refusing to shut up. I open the car door and step out into the rain. I didn't even care, I needed to get home and away from Michael. He was about to ruin everything we had with a few choice words. I knew exactly where this conversation was going.

"J, where the hell are you going?" Michael gets out of the car and follows me into the rain. I start running to get further away. He easily catches up. "Jaelyn, I know you feel the same, please hear me out." His bright red hair that is normally wild and all over the place, is matted to his face due to the pouring rain. I keep running, determined to outrun him and getaway.

"Damn it, Jaelyn, stop running for just one second." He yells. As soon as I hear him, I pause. I have no clue how I felt right now. My emotions were a mess. I wanted to hear him say it, I wanted to feel his lips on mine but another part of me wanted to preserve what was left of our friendship. Either way, there was no going back now. Michael grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. By now, both of us are completely soaked by the rain. But neither of us seemed to care.

"I'm in love with you Jaelyn." He finally says. "Last time I said that, I was drunk. But now, I'm completely sober and I wanted to tell you again. I'm in love you." He pauses to take a breath. "So, please, tell me you feel the same way." His piercing green eyes stared intently into mine, looking for any hint of an answer.

Instead of answering, I take one step towards him. And I slap him across the face.

"I told you to shut up so I could do this." Before he has anytime to react I take his face in my hand's and slam my lips against his. He immediately responded and began kissing back. He brought his hands to my waist while mine were tangled in his wet hair. It felt like there was absolutely no space between us and we were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. I could feel his heart beating against my chest. We both needed this.This kiss. It felt real and more amazing than the first.

Michael broke away. "That was amazing but why did you have to slap me?" He laughs and presses his lips against mine once again. We spent what felt like hours in the pouring rain just making out.

I was the first one to end it. "It's raining." I say quite obviously. He laughs.

"You want to go to my house? I probably have some sweats and a t-shirt you can change into if you want." Michael suggests.

"Yeah, we can stay up all night and watch stupid movies and eat a bunch of junky food."

"Sounds perfect to me, as long as I get to be with you."

A/N: Ok I just have to say that this chapter was one of my favorite to write. I have been waiting so long for this to happen. If you guys have any suggestions of what you might want to happen or anything else, just comment:) My instagram is if you want to follow me on there! Thank you all for continuing to read! I'm glad people are liking it! Keep reading because lots more drama is about to happen:)

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