Chapter 2

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"Ok, how about this one?" Adley asks for the hundredth time as she comes out in a short black dress. She's been trying on dresses for at least an hour trying to decide on the perfect one to surprise Luke with.

"It's better than the last one," I cringe remembering the one that had a very wild, bright flowery pattern. We were in my room getting ready for the party and catching up on all the latest rumors flying around the school.

"You're right. I'll probably wear this one." She disappeared back into the bathroom. "Oh! Did you see Michael with that one girl who has the crazy neon green hair? I wonder if he is taking her to the party tonight?" Adley yells from the other room. This was new information to me. Usually Michael tells me these sort of things. But I was happy for the guy. He hasn't had a girlfriend in forever.

"I don't know. I thought she was, you know, not into guys? I could be wrong. I wish Michael would just find the right girl for once." I roll my eyes thinking about all his past "girlfriends". There have been some interesting ones but none of them last very long. He normally says that it's her fault but I have a sneaking suspicion he's not telling the whole truth.

"Yeah me too." She replies over the sound of my hair dryer in the bathroom.

I get up from my spot on the bed and walk over to my closet. I stare at all my clothes and try to decide what to wear. I don't really want to get as dressed up as Adley but I still want to look nice. Tonight is supposed to be the best night of my life, from what I've been told. Knowing Michael, he'll do his best.

Adley comes out of the bathroom completely ready to go, makeup on, hair perfect, and dress tight. She walks straight over to my closet and pulls out a red dress that I've never worn and holds it up against my body. "This. Definitely. It brings out your blue eyes. Not to much mention it's sexy and will look amazing on you."

"No. I was thinking more like this." I take my blink-182 tshirt off its hanger and throw the red dress back into my closet. That dress barely reached over my ass. There was no way in hell I was wearing that to a party filled with perverted hormonal fuckboys. Adley was out of her mind for even suggesting that.

"Are you serious? You can't wear that. It's a party, not a concert." I don't know what she meant by that because my entire wardrobe is pretty much band tees.

"Yeah? well it's a party, not prom." I counter as I gesture towards her choice of attire. I take my tshirt and grab my favorite pair of skinny jeans and go change.

"Ok fine. You can wear that but I am doing your hair and makeup. You'll look absolutely perfect when I'm done with you." She smiles as she takes out eyeshadow from her bag. Oh great, I think sarcastically. Yeah, I wear makeup but I'm sure Adley is going to go over the top with it, as she usually does.

I laugh and get dressed. I had a weird feeling about tonight. A good weird feeling. Like something big was going to happen. It's the first party I'm going to without Ashton and I couldn't be happier. He's so clingy when we go to parties together. I look at my face in the bathroom mirror and stare at the scar right above my right eye. I sigh as I bring my fingers up to the mark. Ashton. My jealous, clingy boyfriend. What am I supposed to do?

I walk out of the bathroom and throw on my jacket and grab my beanie just in case I don't like the way Adley does my hair, which is a very real possibility.

"Jaelyn! Come on! The guys will be here in 10 minutes!" Adley drags me back into the bathroom and begins to put a bunch of makeup on my face.

Ten minutes and tons of makeup and hairspray later, we were headed downstairs to wait for Michael and Luke. Just as we make it to the bottom of the stairs there were knocks on the door. The boys were here. Adley runs to open it and immediately slams into Luke.

"Come on in. We are almost ready." I tell them. They walk into the house and shut the door. Since Adley and Luke decide to start making out right in the doorway, Michael follows me into the kitchen.

"They sure made themselves right at home." I look back at them and laugh.

"They really did." Michael says while opening the fridge and stealing my food. He's here so often that it's pretty much his second home. My food is his food. "Oh hope you don't mind that I'm eating some of your leftovers." He gestures to the slice of pizza in his hand.

I shrug and take a seat at the kitchen table. Michael follows me.

"So are you ready to have the best night of your life?" He looks at me expectantly.

"I guess so." I smile. "This is some much needed time away from my asshole of a boyfriend. And I'm ready to let it all go for just one night."

"I would be too. That guy is a real jerk, J. I understand that you've been dating him for like 2 years but if you aren't happy, then why stay?" He questions, suddenly serious.

If only he knew.

"Because..." Honestly, I didn't even know the answer anymore. "I love him." Well, that was an absolute fucking lie but what else was I supposed to say? Technically I don't have a valid reason as to why I continue to put myself through Ashton's shit. Do I have absolutely no self respect?

"Bullshit. I know you better than that. I've seen you when you're happy and I've seen you when you love someone. This is not that. At all. And I'm worried about you."

"Enough with the heavy, Michael. We're supposed to be having fun tonight. Not questioning our existence."

"You're right. Sorry." Michael apologizes but I could tell he wasn't ready to let this topic go.

"Let's go," I laugh to lighten the mood and grab my purse. Michael follows me back towards the door carrying the slice of cold pizza. "Come on you two, it's time to go." I say pushing Luke and Adley apart. They were so cute it's sickening. Why couldn't we all have relationships like that? We walk outside to Michael's car and get in.

"You guys ready to have the best night of your lives?" Michael grins as he turns up the radio and leaves the driveway. I had a feeling some serious shit was going to go down tonight.

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