Chapter 15

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It was tomorrow after school, time to face Ashton. He called to say he would be a couple minutes late.  I was pacing back and forth outside the school thinking about my course of action. It wasn't going to be easy breaking up with him so its imperative that I approach it the right way.

I couldn't just blurt it out so I will probably just have to build up to it. Either way, he won't be happy.

About 5 minutes later Ashton pulls up and honks. I hate when he does that.

"I'm right here Ash. You didn't have to honk." I say as I open the door get in. He just sits there and laughs. "Yeah whatever."

"Hey instead of taking me home can we go somewhere and talk?" I ask.

"Talk?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Yeah, talk." I clarify, knowing he had something else in mind. He nods and puts the car in drive. The whole car ride is filled with silence and as soon as he is far enough away from the school, he pulls over.

:So you wanted to 'talk'?" He uses air quotes.

"Um, yeah." I nod, mentally preparing myself for this. "So we've been, uh, dating for a long time. Like a couple of years."

"Stop there. I know where you are going with this. You want to take it to the next level. Let's do this." He leans over and slams his lips on mine. His hands automatically begin roaming my body and creep up under my shirt.

I slap his hands and push him away. "No! Not even close! I'm breaking up with you! Its over, Ash. We are done." He sits there in complete shock. "Can you take me home now please?"

He shakes his head and finds his voice again. "No. You aren't doing this. We aren't over Jaelyn."

"Yes we are. I don't want to be with you anymore. I'm not happy."

"I can make you happy. I will do anything." He pleads.

"No. I want to be with someone else who make me happy. And doesn't hurt me."

"Someone else? Are you talking about Michael?" My lack of an answer gives him what he was looking for. "I knew it. I knew you were sleeping with him." He was starting to get angry. I had to get away from him before things got physical.

I try to open the door and leave. I don't know what I was going to do, probably call Michael or walk home but Ashton had other ideas. He grabs my arm really tight.

"You aren't leaving like this."

"Please just let me go Ash. There's no point in being together anymore." I cry trying to shake my arm out of his grip.

"No. I'm not accepting that." He locks the doors, completely refusing to let me go. He squeezes my arm even tighter, if that was possible. "You aren't breaking up with me."

"Please," I started to cry from pain and fear."Just let me go." Tears were now flowing from my eyes.

"No, not until you take it back. Not until you tell me that we are staying together."

I don't answer which pushes him over the edge and he pushes me against the car door. Hard. My head hits the window and I can feel the blood start to drip down my face."O-o-o-ok." I surrender. "I'm not breaking up with you." I manage to choke out between the sobs and pain. "We can stay together.

"Ok. ok. Alright. Thats good" His eyes soften and he calms down. "Ok I'll take you home now." He drives away from the spot we were just parked in. As soon as he drives up in front of my house, I swing the dor open and run across my yard. "I'll see you tomorrow a school." Ashton yells as he drives off.

I get in the house and run up to my room. I go into the bathroom to clean up the fresh wound Ashton gave me. It never ends and it never will. Everytime I try to break up wit him, something like this happens.

To lower the pain in my head, I take a couple Aspirin and lie down on my bed. After a couple minutes, my phone starts ringing. I sigh when I see who is calling. Michael.

"Hey Mikey." I say, trying to sound as normal as possible despite the fact that I have been crying for the past 30 minutes.

"Hey are you ok? You sound like you have been crying." He says.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie.

"Ok good. Did you do it?" I pause. I couldn't tell him what happened. So I guess I will have to keep lying. "Well? Did you?"

"Yeah. Of course. I told you I would." I lie again. I had a feeling that I just made a huge mistake.

"Awesome! I knew you could do it. You know what? I'm coming over! We are going to celebrate" He practically yells with excitement.

"No Michael-" I protest.

"I'm on my way." Michael says and he hangs up.

What did I just do?

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