Chapter 26

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The 2 hours went by faster than I wanted them to. And suddenly we were pulling into my driveway. About 2 seconds later my parents come running out of the house yelling my name. Michael's parents follow mine.

I didn't dare get out of the car, I wasn't ready to face them yet.

"We're in so much trouble." Michael says quietly.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." I reply sarcastically. Who knows how long we would be grounded?

"Ok both of you, out of my car now. As much as I would love to stay here and laugh at you two getting in serious trouble, I have stuff to do." Ashton tells us.

"If by stuff you mean girls." I mutter. He didn't say anything back so I'm guessing he didn't hear what I said.

It turns out I didn't have to get out of the car because my dad ran over, opened the door himself, and pulled me out of the car by my jacket. 

"Get in the house right now. We have some things to discuss, it seems." My mom points toward the door as if I didn't know where it was. Before I go, I turn to wave to Michael because I'm not sure when I'm going to see him next.

I walk slowly into the house and my parents slam the door behind me. Simultaneously, they both start screaming at me about irresponsible and stupid it was to run away from home. I tune them out and endure the lecture for about half an hour until they both calm down.

"So whats my punishment?" I ask and mentally prepare myself for being grounded the rest of my life.

"Did you not hear anything we said?" My father glares at me.

"" I give up.

"We're not punishing you." I'm almost sure I didn't hear that correctly. They weren't punishing me? "You'll be 18 in about a week so we can't keep treating you like a child. You make your own decisions and if running away from all your responsibilities to New York is what you want to do, then thats fine." My dad explains.

This was too good to be true. They weren't punishing me because they didn't want to treat me like a child anymore.

"Yes, we are disappointed in you. But we can't make every decision for you." My mother adds.

"Ok, then I'm going to go see Michael." I say and turn to leave.

"Not so fast. There is one condition to your freedom." 

"And whats that?"

"We don't want you seeing Michael anymore." Anger quickly filled me up and I didn't open my mouth, afraid I was going to say something to make this worse. But there was no way in hell they were going to forbid me from seeing Michael.

"No." I counter. For the longest time, I've been afraid to stand up for myself. My parents and Ashton have always been able to walk all over me and treat me like shit but I won't let them anymore. Taking Michael from me is the last straw and they are about to regret ever saying that.

"Excuse me?" My mother asks, taken back.

"I said, no." I stare them down. "You have always been able to make me hate myself or hate my life. Always. And the only person who ever makes that better, is Michael. And that is the one thing you guys are not taking away from me. So no, you aren't going to forbid me from seeing Michael."

"Who do you think you are talking to us like that?" I ignore them and walk right back out the door.

"Come back here. As long as you live in our house, you follow our rules." My dad yells.

"Then I guess I don't live in your house anymore." I say without looking back. I get in my car and slam the door. I drive all the way to Michael's house without stopping.

When I get there, I run up to his doorstep and pound on the door endlessly. He finally answers.

"Jaelyn?" He barely has time to get that out before I collide into his arms. I start crying again. "Jaelyn?" he says again, this time his voice full of worry.

"Can I stay here for a while?" I manage to get out. "I kinda told my parents I was moving out."

"You did what? J! Why would you do that?" He lets go of me.

"They said I could never see you again. And so I told them that I didn't want to live there anymore." I try to explain.

"Ok. Well then I guess you can stay here for a while. My parents won't mind, they love you. Which is also why they decided to not ground me. Because I only ran away so you wouldn't be alone." He pulls me into the house. "You can stay in my brother's old room. Its been empty since he left for college."

"Thank you so much You don't understand how much this means to me."

"I think I do. And also, I'm pretty sure we'll have the most amazing time living together." He pulls me closer to him and places his lips gently on mine.

"Yeah, I think we will." I smile.

A/N: I hope you guys are liking all these updates!! I've had a lot of time on my hands so I've been able to update a lot more. I have to work tonight but when I come home, I might update again. Also we're coming towards the end. There's one more big event that happens and then its over :( 

If you guys like it, keep voting! And maybe tell people about it. That would be cool.


Idiot {m.c. fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt