Chapter 14

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"Alright, everyone should be done writing their paragraphs by now." Mr.Wood announced to the entire english class. "Would anyone like to share?" He glances around the class while obody raises their hands.

While Mr. Wood stands up there like a fool, my thoughts drift off to Michael. He thinks I'm being stupid because I won't break up with Ashton when in reality, I'm just trying to protect myself and Michael. Ash would do serious damage to Michael if he knew what was going on.

No matter what. Michael and I will fix this. We always do.

"Jaelyn!" Mr Wood's voice snapped me out of my little world. "How about you? Can you share what you wrote with everyone?" No! What made him pick me? I don't want to share my ideas with anyone.

"Uh, sure I guess." I say quietly. I stand up and walk to the front of the room, all the while complaining in my head. When I get up there, I can see Michael trying not to laugh. He knows I hate public speaking.

I stand up there fidgeting, not saying anything until Mr. Wood clears his throat, clearly waiting for me to start.

"So here's what I wrote." I lok at my paper and begin reading it word for word. "If I were to be able to do anything without ny limitations, I would leave this town. I would go to the nearest bus station and buy a ticket to the place that is farthest away. For just one day I want to go somewhere nnobody knows me so that I can start over. Somewhere where I have no problems and nothing can hurt me. So, um, yeah thats what I would do."

Nobody claps, they just stare at me blankly. This is exactly why I didn't want to share. I wrote about something that I knew nobody would understand, something that I have been thinking about for a while now. Hopefully no one will take it seriously.

"Ok, well, thank for sharing Jaelyn. You can take your seat. Would anyone else like to share?" Mr.Wood asks. I walk back to my seat and as I do, I can hear people whispering and snickering. When I pass Michael he grabs my hand and squeezes it. Michael raises his hand. "I do."

He gets up there and doesn't even bring his paper. "What I would do is probably throw the biggest and coolest party ever and invite tons and tons of people. There would be really loud music, drinks, and probably drugs. We would party all night and get wasted and high." By now the entire class was laughing. "And then we would all have lots and lots of-"

"Alright thats enough Mr. Clifford." Mr. Wood claps his hands to get everyone to settle down. "You can go out into the hallway." Michael walks right out of the classroom without saying a word. I get up from my seat and grab his bag to follow him into the hallway. "Jaelyn, where are you going? Class isn't over yet." I ignore him and walk out.

When I get out there I slide down to the ground next to him. "Here's your bag." I slide it over to him.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in class?" He says, looking down.

"I left when he kicked you out. Thanks, by the way."

"For what?" He asks, still not looking at me.

"For telling that stupid story so people would forget mine."

"What? No, that story was real. That's what I really wrote." I stare at him in shock, my face turning red with embarrassment. I had just called it stupid. "I'm just kidding." He laughs.

I shove him, "You idiot! I actually felt bad for calling it stupid." We both start laughing, forgetting about our fight earlier.

"I'm really sorry though. I shouldn't have called you stupid. I was just angry that your going to keep letting Ashton hurt you." He looks at me.

"It's fine. I am kinda being stupid. I should just build up the courage to end things."

"I don't want to push you into this if you aren't ready."

"Ready for what?" He stays silent for a minute before finally answering.

"For us."

"Michael, I am. I am ready for us. I am ready to be with you. And I'm for everything that we coud be. I'm just worried about Ashton. He won't be happy."

"He's not the one who has to be happy though. It's us. We need to be happy."

"I know." He takes my hand.

"Please just promise that you will break up with him and soon. The sooner the better."

"Yes I will. I will do it tomorrow after school." He smiles. He leans forward and kisses me. He stands up and pulls me up.

"What do you think about skipping the rest of the day?" Michael smiles, trouble in his eyes.

"I think that its a wonderful idea."

He leads me out of the school and to his car. I didn't know where we were going but we had the whole day to ourselves again.

Idiot {m.c. fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora