my shining star : yandere reader X Lucifer

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Lucifer was beautiful, he had always been beautiful he was gods most perfect creation afterall. sculptured out of the lords own pristine clay untill he shone brighter than the most flawless of jewels. Until he even shone brighter than a star.

Even now as you gently stroked his newly blacked feathers and pressed a cool cloth to his freshy scared back, he was still the most gorgeous creature you had ever laid eyes on. Falling had done little to ruin his angelic perfection and you greatly doubted anything ever would.

At least in your eyes.

A jolt of pain  ran through your body, serving as an unfortunate reminder Of your own wouds. Wounds that's you had neglected in favour of tending to your precious compain.

He always made it easy to completely forget about yourself.

You ran the makeshift cloth over one of the more gruesome cuts that litterd his back from his neck to his hips. In attempt to soothe the angry burns only to urgently pause when you heard the sound of soft whimpers. Feeling your heart throb just as painfully as the wreched sound met your sensitive ears.

You leaned forward wrapping your arms around his waist tenderly. Being almost paranoidly careful not to disturb the few fresh bandages you had only recently placed on him, the scent of blood still thick. You felt him twitch slightly as your breath brushed against his neck.

"Oh Luci" you wisperd placing a loving kiss to the back of his ruffled golden hair
Resting your chin against his shoulder to be align with his ear, reaching the hand that had been stroking his feathers up to play with his locks in what you hoped to be a loving and comforting gesture.

"I know it hurts my dearest but I must ask that you hold on just a little while longer, can you do that for me love?" you uttered, pressing a kiss to his ear. He didn't say anything but the hand wrapping tightly around your own was more than enough.

A moment of silence passed as you resumed you task of cleaning and bandaging his various wounds.

"You shouldn't be here (y/n)"

You hand stopped as the broken words filled the silence. You inhaled and exhaled slowly, hesitantly. You've both have had this conversation before and it seemed no matter how many times you assured him that you were happy. Happy to be dammed by his side forever for the rest of eternity until even the three realms them selves ceased to exist he never listened.

Your angel was quite stubborn but you wouldn't necessarily say that you were displeased by it.

After all you wouldn't be here without it.

" Now Lucifer you kno-"

"NO (Y/N)" the unexpected outburst froze you mid sentence.

Your eyes narrowed and smile tightend.

You once again wrapped your arms your fellow angel, all be a bit more tightly than necessary.

You felt him begin to shake.

"Now now dearest don't struggle so much you might open your wounds" you looked down at his stone like face. Golden Eyes seemingly burning with rage. "Would we?"

"You shouldn't have fell with me, you should have stayed, I should have made sure you were safe! I shouldn't have let you become dammed, a creature like you doesn't belong in a place such as this! I-i should have, I should have been stronger.

You hummend softly. A tune you both were familiar with yet it seemed so foreign now. Lucifer's head rested on your shoulder, his body moving with each pant. Clearly exhausted after his emotional rant.

You held him closer when you felt you shoulder become damp.

"Oh Lucifer, please don't cry it breaks my heart you know that" you cooed softly, lovingly running a hand through his hair.

"I'm happy lui, truly I am" you paused feeling him move softly against you. "I chose to fall, I chose to be by your side my sweet angel, don't you remember? Father created me for you, to be at your side forever and that is were I shall remain"

He lifted his head up to face you. Red eyed with dry tears on his porcelain cheeks. He looked so lost and sad it made your heart break  just that bit more.

"I'm happy my sweet" 

You smiled warmly at him. Cupping his cheeks and slowly bringing your lips together in a sweet hold.

You purred softly as his arms wrapped around you, bringing your bodies closer together.

After what seemed like centuries you finally parted, resting your foreheads together searching each other's eyes for words that couldn't be said in that moment.

" I love you (y/n)" your eyes widened and a faint blush coated your cheeks as you shyly responded. "I love you more Luci"

After both your hearts had calmed down you softly rested his head on your lap.

You pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, running a head through his hair.

"Sleep my love"

He smiled softly at you and your heart thumped.

"I shall see you when the sun rises again my dearest.

You sighed happily as you watched him sleep so peacefully.

This was what true happiness felt like

And no one could ever take it from you

Certainly not in hevean, you had fallen after all.

You could finally be happy with your precious shinning Star.


I'm glad I finally got to this. As you guys can probs tell this is my first yandere reader. Feedback?

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