In the garden:lilith X male/female angel reader

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I don't know why I love her so much please send help I'm drowning in gay.

She remembered you, oh how could she ever forget you. With your sweet smile, your (H/L) (H/C) locks that look as soft as your majestic pale fluffy wings that would gleamed as the sun shone on them, painting you in a soft heavenly glow that rightfully suited you, your otherworldly large gorgeous (E/C) eyes that could always, and she hoped still could see into her soul, those eyes she dare pray could still see the real her and love her as you did back then as...she still loved and yernd for you. She remembers when you two first met, she had recently left the garden of Eden a so called "paradise" she laughed at that a Paradise for that twat Adam maybe, but to her it was a cage she didn't have free will and was treated as lesser than him, despite being made the exact same way. She didn't like it...and so she left her head high marching straight out of that dammed garden, completely ignoring Adams and even gods pleads and begs for her to stay as they had done her for so long. Never looking back, if no one was going to give her freedom she'd simply take it and never let it go. It had been about a week when she heard that god was sending angels out to find her and bring her back. She scoffed at that sitting in one of heveans thousands of gardens. This one that seemingly no one came to anymore, making it her home and solitude. She was lazing in the sun enjoying the afternoons soft breeze when She heard the flutter of wings....."angels!" she growled and quickly hid behind the large oak tree she had been laying against, her brows furrowed, rasing the makeshift weapon she had made from a rock she had sharpened, ready to strike. She heard soft humming of a unfamiliar melody, the flapping of wings replaced by the soft crunches of feet on the grass. As the crunches and cheerful humming got closer she prepared her self. Grabbing the unsuspecting angel and pinning them against the sturdy oak tree, raising the "knife" to their throat, not seeing the object that fell out of thier hand. Leaning down closer her eyes narrowing dangerously, bearing her teeth, her next words venomous and stern. "Who are you and what are you doing here!?" She hissed applying pressure to the "knife" not enough to make a cut but enough to make its presence known. She raised a eyebrow in question, a confused exspression on her face as the angel starred at her with wide eyes as though they were seeing the sun for the first time, thier mouth agape arms hanging by thier side, swaying slightly. "Your eyes are... the most loveliest i'v...ever seen" Lilith gaped at your words her eyes wide in bewilderment, not at all suspecting those words not in a million years, especially from a angel she was threating. She blinked a few times, recovering from her shock before shaking her head and growling at you once again lifting you further from the ground by your bowtie

(because everyone's dapper as fuck in this universe and all angles are short atleast when compared to Lilith like you come up only to her mid to high arm)

watching you squeak and your face rapidly become red in realisation at what you had said, waving your hands desperately Infront of your face. "Wha-wait!..miss Lilith! Whoa.. may you put me down.. please? i-i wish no harm to you! I swear it on the holy spirit!" She serched your eyes with a frown, looking for any signs of falsehood only to see sincerity in them instead. She sighed softly, placing you down and putting the"knife" away.  She let out a relieved sigh and stared at you a questioning look on her face "I ask again...who are you and why have you come here if not to bring me back" she spat that last part with distain.  "Oh! my name's (y/n) archangel (y/n)! pleasure to meet your acquaintance miss Lilith!" you happily chirped as though she hadn't just threatened you earlier. "Archangel (y/n)?" Lilith said slowly, to witch you beemed, eyes wide and a  giant smile on your face "that's what I said!" your wings poping in excitement " never heard of you" you instantly deflated, you wings slowly lowering and a pount on your lips bitting the inside of your cheek "yeah well I was only created a few  months brothers have been showing me the ropes..but ah..... I love my brothers but they can get  protective and controlling and I really just want some- "freedom?" Lilith cut you off that was something she could completely understand, the need for freedom to be able to choose. "That's right" you said softly a comfortable silence settling between you two. "So why are you here?" Lilith asked far calmer than previously no longer seeing you as a threat, placing a hand on her hip. "Well..." You trailed off crouching down to pick up the object you had dropped "ta da!" You said jumping back up proudly presenting a book to her "I come here once a week to read!" Lilith gazed at what she assumed was a book in curiosity, never having seen on before let alone accually red one. " miss Lilith i can go somewhere else if that pleases you I don't wish to intrude on you" Lilith blinked, pleasantly surprised that you were the one offering to leave instead of telling her to "no no it's okay you can stay just don't tell anyone I'm here..or there'll be consequences... "Ha ha of course miss Lilith i won't tell a soul on my honour!" you said placing a hand on your heart and bowing jokingly, Lilith felt a smile creep apon her face at that she wouldn't tell you but she was quite flattered by your comment earlier and your cheerful nature was inviting.

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