miss me don't forget me: yandere vaggie X fem/male reader

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Vagatha didn't want to kill all those people, not at all. She clutched the knife tighter, shaking slightly as the adrenaline coursed through her. The sound of sirens in the distance was deafining. The sound of death"
They wouldn't let her live, she knew that. Not with the blood of 7 still warm on her hands. The matalic scent burnt her nose but not as much as the electric chair would..or the hellfires that awaited her. Even so knowing her fate she stilled smiled even if it was demented, because she wouldn't be walking the red brimstone alone. After all, she didn't want to kill those people. She turned to the only other person in the dim room who still had a heart beat. Your body was crouched against the wall shaking and twitching madly, your quick desperate breaths doing nothing to ease it,eyes wide in terror with your pupils shrinking and exspanding rapidly, your hair was devlished sticking out in all directionsand while your arms were covering your mouth as tears leaked down from your eyes and stained your cheeks, trying to block out the sick smell of blood and flesh.
Yet you had never looked more beautiful to Vagatha. Your eyes widened as you saw her bloody figure approaching and let out a short scream demanding her to stay back over and over again. "Y/n" she said lowly looking at your shaking frame. "Y/n look at what you've done" she gestured to the bodies on the floor. Your classmates. "Look at all these deaths you've caused". "All these lives snuffed out" she paused watching your exspression "because you didn't listen to me" she hissed "all you needed to do was say I love you!" She screamed, her hands shaking. "You killed these people y/n! You made me do it! YOUR THE MURDER Y/N". You began screaming gripping your hair as you chanted "no" over and over. Your chants lowering from room shaking screams to soft shakey wimpers, untill you were only sobbing into your knees, hiccuping and crying begging for this all to be just a sick nightmare, a nightmare that felt so real. Vagathas eyes softened as she approach closer a sting in her heart. It was torture it truly was to see her beloved y/n in such destress but she had to be stern. You were cause of this, hanging out with these people, laughing with them, smiling at them. She snarled and grit her teeth. That smile was for her eyes only. You didn't react when she crouched down Infront of you. "We need to leave y/n they'll be here soon" when you didn't respond she sighed and embraced you, resulting in your clothes being stained. She placed her mouth to your ear and gentely wisperd "your a murderer now..do
You really think they'll let you go free? They want you just as much as they want me"
"Your the murderer" your voice was hoarse from screaming. Vagatha smiled and hummed. "Yes I guess I was the one to slit they're throats" she said causally. "But y/n" her smile became demented once again as she forced your head up and looked lovingly into into your glassy eyes. "I did this for you because I love you y/n I love you so much it hurts" her voice became desperate "y-you don't know how far I'll go for you y/n this was nothing.. nothing at all!' she gripped you tighter. "Id kill anyone for you y/n!... anyone" her eyes trailed to the knife still in her hand, the sirens were getting louder now. "I'd even kill myself for you w-would that make you happy?" She knew that there was a very slim chance of getting out of this alive and what better way to die than in the arms of the person you loved the most. All she wanted was for you to be happy". She wasn't in her right mind she knew that, she hadn't been for a long time and truthly she wasn't sure if she ever was. That's why when she plunged the knife into her chest she didn't even flinch, just held you close, stroking your hair and trying to sooth your terrorized screams. Even when she felt her life slipping away she still smiled, she could still feel you, feel your warmth, feel your love even when her vision faded.

"Vaggie?"  Hmm what was that "vaggie are you ok?" That wasn't your voice. Vaggies eyes fluttered open to be greeted by a worried Charlie who had her hand on vaggies shoulder. Vaggie felt a surge of Boling rage she had been woken from her dream of you. 'ah I'm alright Charlie just napping" she said calmly with a lazy smile, betraying her true feelings. "Oh! Were you sleeping!? I'm so so sorry-" "it's fine Charlie" no it wasn't.
"Well I got something really exciting to tell you!" Charlie beemed at her rubbing her rosy cheeks.
Vaggie moved her hand in a gesture to continue. "Okay okay well your not going to believe this! But a angel is coming to check out the hotel today!. Vaggies eyes winded in suprise "thats fantastic Charlie!" She was happy for her friend even if she was still enraged about being woken up. "Yeah well hmm I gotta go get ready and make sure Angel doesn't screw up again and oh! Make some snacks!" Vaggie watched as Charlie disaperd down the hall to the kitchen. Leaning into the lobby couch and sighing softly, vaggies mind drifted off. She had died in 1997 and the year was now 2019. It had been 22 years since she had last seen you,felt your silky hair, looked into your gorgeous eyes and heard your sweet voice. She wondered about you often. Were you still alive? Were you dead? Did you think about her as much as she thought about you?. She lingered on that second thought. If you were dead she was certain that you were in hevean. If you'd be in Hell she would've found you by now. She wouldn't be fantasizing about you but instead holding you and would quite possibly chain you to her. You deserved hevean deep down she knew that. You were to pure and kind for such a twisted place, but her obsession and love of you made her selfish and desperate. She was brought out of her thoughts by a loud knock on the door and Charlie barreling past her to greet her guest and apon hearing the angels voice she froze. She turned to the visitor who had greeted Charlie oh so shyly oh so sweetly. You were just as breathtaking as you were years ago, truly angelic with a soft glow surrounding you and a halo floating above your head and oh so soft looking wings that she'd almost feel regretful for wanting to rip off. But we didn't want you leaving now would we. She watched as your eyes widened in shock as you layed eyes on her in disbelief. "V-vagatha!?" You said your tone nervous as you took a step back old memories you had buried resurfacing. A sweet smile made its way to her face "hello y/n'

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