That would be enough: Arackniss X fem/male Reader

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It had been a very lonely day.

You had woken up fully expecting to be greeted by your beloved boyfriend only to find a letter and a platter of various different  breakfast bevrages where he should have been.

Upon further inspection the letter read LOVE YOU BE BACK LATER-Arackniss.

To say you were a little disappointed would have been an understatement.

You had wanted to cuddle with the tiny spider for atleast a few hours before getting out of bed alone.
But alass some things couldn't be helped. Arackniss was a very busy man, being the leader of a crime syndicate and all.

He did always attempt to apologize for his absenceses with loving and thoughtful gestures such as the breakfast in bed. But try as he might it didn't make the loneliness and pain from his absence any less.

In truth you were worried about Arackniss. You feared for him not because he might get hurt, Lucifer knows your little spitfire was not a force to be reckoned with.

But because of his Father.

Your eyes darkened and your jaw clenched. Truly the man was a evil bastard. You couldn't count how many times you had to comfort Your poor sweet lover after he had woken up from a nightmare or had come home exhausted after putting up with all of his father's abuse and impossible standards.

And it wasn't just Arackniss.
You had heard the stories from Angel Dust and Molly.

You had never wanted to kill a man so badly before. You wanted throw him in the darkest part of Hell were the the absolute sickest of denizens dweld, to watch him suffer and beg for mercy and laugh as he screamed in agony. But it still wouldn't be enough to satisfy your blood lust.

And some day you just might do it.

The opening of your apartment door snapped you out of your thoughts.

You leaped from the couch your dark thoughts forgotten for now as you ran to the door with an excitement akin to a labrador.

As soon as he was in view you swept the much smaller demon into your arms. Said demon had frozen in shock and alarm before slowly relaxing, content in your embrace, closing his eyes as you peperd his face in kisses and held him closely to your chest.

"Arackniss!, Honey your home" you exclaimed, a smile brighter than the sun adorning your face. At the sight of it Aracknisis eyes softened. Putting up with the things he did was worth it along as he could come home to you and see that smile.

"Yeah" he sighed "there wasn't a lot of shit to do today so I left early"

Walking over to the couch you layed down. Arackniss comfortable in your grip, sinking into you as a random show played in the background. A few minutes passed when Arackniss spoke up, breaking the silence.


"Hmm?". You looked away from the Tv were a cheesy sitcom was playing down to face your boyfriend with a eyebrow raised in question, a small smile on your face.

Arackniss head was down, his dark hair covering his eyes from your view, his shoulders slumped. One hand was wrapped around him while the other was entangled with yours.

"I'm...sorry" he spoke quietly, refusing to face you. He struggled to get the words out

You frowned and gently cupped his cheek, bring his face up to face yours.
"What for my spitfire?"

He bit his lip debating with him self.
"You know, for always being away" he paused "I-I know I make you worry and I f-feel like shit because of it!"

His voice began to raise as his sadness,anger and frustration became apparent. His body shaking.

"I shouldn't make you worry I should be Better!" "I should be better" he slumped down, curled into himself.

"Honey look at me"

You smiled softly and tenderly caressed both his cheeks. Wiping away the stray tears that ran down hit face as he looked at you in suprise.

"It's true I don't agree with your work, and it makes me worried sometimes"

Arackniss winced at your words.

"But you are the strongest and smartest person I have ever met, your amazing in every thing you do"

You pressed your forehead against his and placed a gentle kiss to his nose.

"I know its not your fault"

"As long as you come home at the end of the day that would be enough"

You stroked his face.
"As long as you come home to me that would be enough"

"I love you (y/n)" Arackniss wisperd before pressing his lips to yours.
You returned it with as much love as you could muster.

"I love you to"


I wasn't so sure about this one. But what did you guys think. I'm not sure it really flowed well if that makes sense.

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