Chapter 2

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*Back with the gAang*

"Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way?" Aang asked as someone puts on a blanket over his shoulders. " And why I'm the only one who's completely out of it?" Aang questions again.

"You need to take it easy, ok?' Katara explains. "You got hurt pretty bad. I like your hair."

"I have hair?!" Aang asks surprised while touching his head. "How long was I out?"

"A few weeks,"  Katara answers him with ease.

"Everything okay?" Hakoda questions them as he walks over.

"We're fine, Dad," Katara says quickly with an annoyed tone.

"I'm Hakoda, Katara and Sokka's father." He says as he introduces himself to Aang extending his arm. Aang reaches out, but Katara holds his shoulder.

 "He knows who you are. I just called you 'dad,' didn't I?" She says with a displeased tone of voice, glaring at her father.

"I guess you're right." He says with a sad tone and hurt on his face.

Aang brushes off Katara's hand, "Nice to officially meet you, Chief Hakoda." He reaching his arm to greet each other. 

Hakoda connects his arm with the Avatar's. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Great, great. Now you guys have finally met, so would you mind giving us a little privacy." Katara states with determination.

"Of course," Hakoda says while leaving.

"Are you mad at your dad or something?" Aang questions Katara's attitude.

"What?" Katara responds with a frown on her face watching her father leave. "Not at all. Why would you say that?" She continues, her face clearing up and 'confused' written all over it.

Aang shrugs, "Mmm-mmm." Suddenly,  overflowed with pain, he clutches his waist, groaning.

"Maybe we should upstairs. You need a healing session." Katara says, helping Aang stand.

Already upstairs, Katara gets two bowls filled with water. She bends the water off of the bowls and places it on Aang's scar, placed on his back. "Tell me where your pain feels most intense." The water glowing as Katara starts healing.

Aang grunts as he starts to feel the pain. "A little higher." Aang feels a bolt with a strong energy as Katara touches his chakra. He's in the Avatar State in Ba Sing Se. "Wow, you're definitely in the right area there."

"I can feel a lot of energy twisted up around there. Let me just see if I can..." Katara starts to pull off the water off of Aang's back.

As the water leaves, he starts getting reminders of what happened on that day. Azula striking him with a bolt of lightning,  Katara holding his unconscious body, crying.

Aang gasps, "I went down. I didn't just get hurt, did I?" He says while holding his forehead. "It was worse than that. I was gone, but you brought me back."

"I just used the Spirit water from the North Pole." She confesses, "I don't know what I did, exactly." 

"You saved me." He says while looking at Katara.

She touches his cheek. "You need to rest."

Katara's POV

I go back to my room. Once I get there, I flop down on my bed. I stare up to the ceiling. Remembering what happened in the catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se. I scoff. I was going to heal his scar. Zuko's scar? I laugh. "Ha! I was going to do that to him? I must've been out of my mind." I stop laughing. Thinking of what he said. "'I realize I could determine my own destiny.' " I repeated the words Zuko told me. I quickly brush them off. "I mean that scar did really look good on him." A frown quickly follows, "No! He betrayed me! Ugh!" I shout to myself. I turn around and go to sleep.

The next day, Sokka tells Aang that the whole world thinks that Aang's dead. That didn't go very well. Soon after a Fire Nation ship stops us and almost tries to sink us. Right now we arrive at a town.  Sokka, Toph, and I enter Aang's room to get him.

"Hey, Aang. We're going into town to find some dinner." Toph says.

Aang's stomach starts to grumble. "Well, I am pretty hungry. Maybe dinner's a good idea." He clutches his stomach.

Sokka starts speaking, "Here," he holds a headband toward Aang, "tie this around your head. It'll cover your arrow." Walking towards him.

"I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow proudly." He says with anger.

"Aang, come on. Be practical." Sokka states

You guys go on ahead without us. We'll catch up with you." I say making Sokka and Toph walk out the door. I walk over to Aang, who's laying on the bed. "I think I understand why being a secret bothers you so much. You don't want people to think you failed."

"You're right, I don't. But the problem is, I did fail." He says sadly.

"Aang, that's not true," I say trying to make things better.

"It is true." He answers quickly. "I was in Ba Sing Se. I was there, but I lost. And now, the Earth Kingdom has fallen for good."

"It's not for good. Remember, there's still a plan. The invasion." I say, standing up.

"And I hate the invasion plan, too!" Aang shouts. "I don't want you or anyone else risking your lives to fix my mistakes! I've always known that I would have to the Fire Lord. But now, I know I need to do it alone." He sits down with his back turned towards me.

"Aang..." I start walking to him but get cut off.

"Katara, please. Just go, please."

I turn around and walk to the door. "Is there anything you need?" I ask him.

"I need to redeem myself. I need my honor back.

Fire Nation

"Your Princess Azula, clever and beautiful disguised herself as the enemy and entered the Earth Kingdom's capital." An old woman says proudly and powerful. "In Ba Sing Se, she found her brother Zuko, and together, they faced the Avatar." Another woman states. "And the Avatar fell. And the Earth Kingdom fell." They speak together. 

"Azula's agents quickly overtook the entire city. They went to Ba Sing Se's great walls... and brought them down! The armies of the Fire Nation surged through the wall and swarmed over Ba Sing Se, securing our victory." They pause for a moment. "Now the heroes have returned home." They say together. 

"Your Princess, Azula!" The crowd below erupts in cheers and applause. Azula walks down in front of the balcony. "And after three long years, your prince has returned. Zuko!" Again, cheers and applause erupts as Zuko walks down the alley.


I will try to upload almost every week.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. -Uncle Iroh

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