Chapter 5

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Katara's POV

"I kind of got in trouble at school today and I'm supposed to bring my parents." Aang continues saying looking down to the floor.

"Oh, boy." I whisper.

"Really Aang. It was just your second day at school." Sokka smacks his forehead.

"Well, we can't get out of it, so let's go along with it." Aang continues. "Here's what we're going to do."


"Thank you for coming Mr. And Mrs...." The Headmaster starts.

"Fire. Wang Fire." Sokka makes his voice go deeper, like a man. He strokes his bread. "This is my wife, Sapphire." Sokka mentions to me.

"Sapphire Fire. Nice to meet you." I introduce myself to him.

Aang had this crazy idea to make Sokka and I his parents when we went to the conference. Sokka wore a fake beard with a mustache. His hair was tied up in a traditional topknot. while I wore some clothes under my stomach like I was pregnant. My hair was in two side buns and a tiny topknot.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fire... Your son has been enrolled here for two days and he's already causing problems. He's argued with his History Teacher, disrupted music class, and roughed up my star pupil." He continues coldly.

"My goodness. That doesn't sound like our Kuzon." I announce like a surprised mother would. Clearly, the Headmaster believes it.

"That's what any mother would say, Ma'am. Nonetheless, you're forewarned. If he acts up one more time, I'll have him sent to reform school." He smacks the desk standing up showing he is not joking. "By which I mean the coal mines. Are we clear?"

"Don't you worry, Mr. Headmaster, I'll straighten this boy out something fierce. Young man, as soon as we get home, you're gonna get the punishment of a lifetime!" Sokka yells at Aang making him flinch, me too. For some reason, it felt like a real threat.

"That's what I like to hear." He declares smirking. We walk out of there and head to out 'home.' Toph is sitting next to the fire. Aang goes to the floor and plops down.

"That settles it. No more school for you, young man." Sokka shouts at Aang in his deeper voice.

"I'm not ready to leave. I'm having fun for once, just being a normal kid." Aang walks over to Appa. "You don't know what it's like, Sokka. You get to be normal all the time."

"Ha, ha." Toph blurted mockingly. Sokka gives hers a side glare.

"Listen, guys, those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation. If we want to change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom." Aang tries to explain to us.

"What could you possibly do for a country of depraved little fire monsters?" Sokka asks in his normal voice.

"I'm going to throw them a secret dance party." The airbender states proudly.

"Go to your room!"


The prince of the Fire nation has visited his Uncle once again. Bring with him a basket. 

"I brought you some Komodo-chicken." pushing a basket through the metal bars. "I know you don't care for it, but I figure it beats prison food. I admit it. I have everything I always wanted, but it's not at all how I thought it would be." The Prince declares. 

"The truth is, I need your advice. I think the Avatar is still alive." Mind flashing back to the waterbender holding up a tiny blue vile. "I know he's out there; I'm losing my mind. Please, Uncle, I'm so confused I need your help." With no respond from Uncle, and his blood boiling. 

The Moon fell for the Sun -Zutara fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora