Chapter 7

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That night, Katara gets up and fills her sleeping bag with some dried grass making it look like she was there. She grabs a long dark red robe and puts it over herself. She bends some water in a puddle and freezes it to make a mirror. She puts on red paint on her face and neck. Lastly, she paints on a crescent moon symbol and putting a huge rice hat with a veil over to hide the face. She starts running towards the village not knowing that the small sounds woke up Momo. He notices the lady and jumps down landing on Aang.

"What's the matter, buddy?" The airbender asks as he is woken up. He sees the figure's hat. "It's her!" He quickly ties his headband around his head.

"Hello, Painted Lady spirit!" He yells out. She is shocked knowing that someone saw her and starts picking up the pace.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but my friend's sick and we're on kind of a tight schedule." Aang shouts chasing after her. "Wait! But I'm the great bridge between your world and mine." Katara uses her waterbending to slightly walk on top of the water creating the mist. Aang follows by freezing small bits of water for he can step on them. "I know Hei Bai, we're close personal friends."

She makes to the village and sprints on the wooden decks and notices Aang's reflection on the water. She looks up to see the reflection of Aang in the water.

"Hey!" To his dismay, he slams himself into a pole, Katara winces at him but keeps on running. She continues across the river using waterbending to get to the other side. She successfully makes it to the solid ground hiding behind a rock, exhaling with relief.

She gaps lightly when Aang drops in front of her. "My name's Aang. I'm the Avatar." revealing his arrow.

"Well, hello, Avatar. I wish I could talk, but I am very busy." Using a fake voice and covering her face with the veil.

"Yeah, me too. I hate that." He says looking at her face behind the veil. "You know, you're really pretty for a spirit. I don't get to meet too many spirits, but the ones I do meet... not very attractive." He gives suspicious look under the hat.

"Thank you, but-"

"You seem familiar, too." He says cutting her off.

"A lot of people say that." Lowering her face even more.

"No, you really seem familiar."

"Look, I really should get going." She tells Aang and starts to walk away. Unfortunately, Aang sends a gust of wind at her, lifting her hat into the air. She quickly pulls it back down by turning around. There goes her cover.


She drops her hat and sighs. "Hi, Aang."

"You're the Painted Lady?!' But how?" He asks pointing a finger at her.

"I wasn't at first, I was just trying to help the village. But since everyone thought that's who I was anyway... I guess I just kind of became her." She explains.

"So, you've been sneaking out of night?" Aang questions. "Wait, is Appa even sick?"

"He might be sick of the purple berries I've been him, but other than that, he's fine." Katara replies sheepishly.

"I can't believe you lied to everyone so you could help these people." Aang tells her.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have-"

"No, I think it's great!" Aang beams in. "You're like a secret hero."

"Well, if you want to help there's one more thing I have to do." Katara tells him. Aang gives her a curious look before running to catch up with her They both run towards the factory.

The Moon fell for the Sun -Zutara fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin