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Juliana Thorne

After our pool day, I watched Disney movies with Rome and Milana. They argued over the movie for a bit but finally agreed on something. I sat in the middle of them as they laid on me. We had blankets and a maid came and asked if we wanted popcorn, which we said yes to.

In the middle of the movie, where Tiana was imagining her future, Jaxon came downstairs. To my surprise, he carried Milana and sat right next to me. Then he put her back down against him. He put his arm around me and let Milana snuggle against him and Rome hug him.

To say it didn't warm my heart a little, would be a lie. The sight was cute and I've never seen him show any affection towards them. Or vice versa.

"Daddy, you're soft." Milana giggles as she rubs her head on his stomach.

I smile at Milana but look up at Jaxon. He was staring at her with an unusual look in his eyes. But his lips pull into a little grin and he grips my thigh.

"That's what I say about Mommy." He smirks and caresses my thigh.

Everything came rushing back to me, he has been waiting for this moment. A nice little family, he wanted. This has always been planned, to trap me, forever. He raped me and purposely impregnated me.

I watched in silent anger as his lips stayed in a smile throughout the whole movie. How he touched my leg and let our daughter snuggle against him.

He didn't want her or Rome. He only wanted me. He doesn't give them attention, he only wanted mine. He purposely trapped me with him through the days, he just wanted me near him so he knew he had me.

More thoughts swirled in my brain from now to the end of the movie. He carries Rome and Milana into their rooms and leads me to ours. I just noticed how far ours is from my babies.

Jaxon opens and closes our bedroom door and I hear the familiar click of the lock. I look back to the door as he walks to the bed. He pats on the bed for me to follow but I stay in my spot.

"What's wrong?" He asks in confusion.

I wanted to confront him even if I got in deep trouble or even hurt. I take a deep breath and stare at him. "Do you even care about them?" I ask

"Who are you talking about?" He asks slightly irritated.

"Our kids!" I seethe angrily.

His mood changes immediately, "Don't fucking fight with me, Juliana! I haven't hurt you few a few days but it doesn't mean you can talk to me however you want."

Fear tries crawling up my throat but I stand my guard. "You shouldn't have a reason to hit me. You're just a sick son of a bitch who likes to." I spit

His jaw clenched and forced deep chuckles rumble in his chest. He slowly walks towards me, "You think I like hitting you? You just don't fucking listen!" He shouts.

"You're not supposed to hurt me! You're a fucking liar, you don't love me, you don't love our kids. You just want me and you were forced to put Rome and Milana in me so you can always have me!" I yell but I fall to the floor as he hits me.

I scream in pain as I fall to the floor, I cry as my cheek throbs, he punched me and I taste blood in my mouth. He bends down to my figure,

"I do love you! I fucking love you! You make me hit you. You like me hurting you." He states

To prove his point, I scream as he grips my hair and pulls me up. My roots screamed to be let go and he drops me back to the floor.

I cry and stare in disbelief as he says the last sentence. "You test me everyday, you wouldn't make me angry all the time if you didn't like me hurting you!" He laughs like if he's solved it.

I look down to the ring he forced on my finger, a few days ago. It was beautiful but he only wants to watch me suffer. I react fast as I pull the tight ring off my finger and throw it.

He gasps and looks in the direction of the ring I threw. "Well I don't fucking love you! I never will, I want you dead! I only love Rome and Milana!" I scream.

His head snaps to me and his face seethes of anger. He grabs my neck and squeezes me. I choke and thrash my body widely as he picks me up by my neck.

"If you can't love me, you can't love them either." He spits.

I gasp as he pushes me against the wall and I hit my head. His footsteps echo loudly as he opens the door and slams it. I cough out terribly and blood spits out.

I turn on my side and spit more blood out. I cough out dryly and drag my body to an edge of the window. My head spins as I grab onto the window ledge, pulling myself off the floor.

I try to inhale air but only make myself choke. I lean against the wall as I make my way towards the bedroom door. My eyes close and open from exhaustion and my body aches every step I take.

Crying wakens my body as I grip onto the door handle. "Rome-" I choke out.

Blood runs down my nose but I don't stop as I slowly reach the hallway. "Jax-!" I try shouting but only whispers come out.

I cough and grip the wall, dragging my body to their door. I lean against their door and hazily look around the room.

Footsteps rush up behind me and blurs of Black hair come in my vision. Hands grip my arms and shake me, "What is happening! Tell him to stop!" Sophias deep accent screams in my ringing ears.

"Jaxon, fermare!" Her screams echo.

My body shuts down and I feel myself falling. Screams ring in my ears and stuff being knocked down are terribly loud. I cry and curl my body against the cold floor.

Rome and Milana's screams and cries are blurred out. Jaxons yelling and throwing are blurred out. Sophias screams and cries are blurred out.

I stare up and watch the white ceiling. I need to get up, I need to, get, up.


"Get up!"


Cries. Screaming. My body aches. I slowly reach out and grip a ledge. I drag my body and look up. Jaxon had a gun in his hand and points it at Rome and Milana as he stares at them with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sophia pulls on his arm with tears rolling down her face. She's screaming for him to stop. Rome and Milana are crying from the loud noise.

I didn't realize I was dragging myself in front of the gun until it happened. It was almost painless. I didn't even know blood was running down my chest until I looked down in shock.

My body shuts down and I fall endlessly down a hole. Everything turned dark, it was quiet, it was cold. My eyes stared straight ahead but their was nothing there to look at.

It was painless, really.


November 28

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