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3 years later

Juliana Thorne

"No baby, put that down." I sigh in frustration and grab the lipstick from Milana's tiny hands.

I hear Rome's tiny feet running down the hall and I turn around. Milana runs past me and goes to follow her brother. "No baby, come back-" I groan.

"Ugh what's the point? She doesn't listen to me anyway." I mumble. I grab Rome's outfit and follow their giggles to my room. They were sitting on the floor whispering in each other's ears.

"Rome, I need to put your clothes on, come here baby." I smile at him. He looks just like his dad, they both do. But they got their blue eyes from me and black curly hair from him.

My mom says Milana and Rome look like me but I know they look more like Jaxon. Rome gets up and runs towards me with a big smile. I can't help but gush and do a silly face. He giggles and I grab the grey button-up shirt I have for him.

I put his head through the shirt and I smile when he starts fidgeting with the yellow bow tie that's attached to it. I put his legs one at a time through the yellow shorts and slip his shoes on.

"Okay all done." I boop his nose and then look at Milana.

She gives me a mischievous smile and starts to run to the bedroom door, "Oh no you don't!" I quickly stand up and chase after her before she gets out.

She squeals and laughs when I catch her and pick her up. Rome giggles at us and sits down, playing with his toys.

"Why can't you be easy like your brother? You're so wild." I put her down and quickly grab her shirt. I pull it through her head and pull up her yellow shorts then slip her shoes on.

I grab her yellow headband and brush it through her curls but she grabs it and rips it off her head. I groan when I know she's not gonna leave it on. She giggles and raises her finger to my nose and boops it.

I frown and she goes to sit on the floor with Rome. I stand up and go to the door, I have to lock it so they won't go out while I change. I walk to the closet and grab my yellow crop top and blue jeans.

"Mommy, we going?" Milana tugs on my hand.

"We are going to your grandmas house and then out to eat." I say

She squeals in delight, "Gammas!" then she runs to Rome and sits on him.

"Oh Milana, watch out with your brother." I say cautiously.

I change into my outfit and go into the bathroom to do my hair. I take one more glance at the twins before going in, they're too busy playing with each other to notice my absence.

I look at my hair in the mirror, I want to cut it cause its really long. I didn't have much time to do anything so I clipped half of my hair up and left the rest down. I have to keep an eye on the twins, I know Milana convinces her brother to do what she wants, she's the wild one.

I walk out and look at them, "Okay who's ready to see grandma?" I yell and they squeal in happiness.

I bend down and pick them up from the floor. They giggle when I groan from they're heaviness. "Milana grab my purse, sweetie." She reaches her arm out and grabs my purse on the bed.

"Thank you" I say and she nods. "Now, Rome you unlock the door. Just twist it-no the other way baby. Good job." Then we walk out of our little yellow house and to our car.

Our neighbor, Tyler was sitting on his porch and he waves at us. "Hey Ty, how are you?" I shout.

"I'm good, how about you gorgeous?" he says and I roll my eyes and laugh.

"We are great. See you later, bye!" I yell and the twins wave at him. He waves back and includes a kiss that he blows to us.

I sit them in their car seats and buckle them up. Then I pull out of the driveway and to my moms house. The drive isn't long, only a few minutes away. The twins didn't complain once, I think they really like looking out their windows.

"Okay we're here!" They look at each other and smile excitedly. I unbuckle their seatbelts and take both of their hands. We walk to the door and they knock together.

My mom opens the door with a big gasp as she sees us. "Oh my gosh you girls look gorgeous! And you look handsome, Rome." She grins down at him when he makes a face.

Milana and I laugh as we enter my moms house. Rome and Milana run around and jump on the couch together and we laugh at their silliness.

"Honey, I need to talk to you." My mom suddenly says, sounding nervous.

I look at her and she leads me to the kitchen and tells me to sit down. "Mom you're scaring me, what is it?" I ask.

She grabs my hands and squeezes them, to comfort me. She shakes her head and says, "They released him."

I was confused for a second but then I realize what she's talking about and immediately, my eyes go to the twins in worry and fear of losing them.


May 16, 5:35 am

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