" The snake is probably going to find the eagle and then the scales tip to the north"

I think I'm this referenced snake seeing as they nod there heads to me when they say it. It's a fitting name so I'm not very offended

When they weren't sounding completely insane they were always on the move never stopping like machines.
I remember being able to do that not stop for days just keep moveing ahead I geuss nothings motivated me as much as tracking the avatar.

She finally let us stop for water and I let my legs rest for a moment.

We had been following this stream for a while now and she said we were almost back at the base.

She told me there were lots of other members who would be a little upset that she brought me back with them.
I'm going to need to keep my gaurd up around them she only recently decided not to kill me.

I cupped some water from the river in my hands and took a few sips, it tasted like copper but I don't think its going to make me sick.

I looked into the reflection and saw how different my eyes looked and then there she was my mother trying to get me to turn back.

" Azula you shouldn't go with them you made the wrong choice how could you do that to them"

" Go away mother I made my choice"

I splashed the water away getting her out of my sight but her words kept echoing in my head

" Hey princess who are you talking to"

It was Tulok he looked at me with judgment like he couldn't cleary see she was right there

" She was right there trying to get- nevermind its nothing"

I wasn't that thirsty anyways

I looked over the cut on my arm it looked better I was surprised it didn't get infected but it was definitely going to leave a scar.

It was straight but curved slightly at the end from when I panicked and pulled away.

I hate how my skin looks scars and scabs everywhere and don't get me started on my hair its so short and choppy I'm way less muscular I bet I could barely go a hundred push-ups .

Mirai caught me by surprise looking at my arm and legs she walked around me and grabbed my arm softly

" Why did you do this to yourself?"

" I don't know I was miserable in that hospital and Didn't want to be that anymore"

" Been there princess, I'm sorry that you went through all that I was in those hospitals from time to time they really aren't what they say there are aren't they"

" They say there helping but all they did is make me feel even more like a monster, but I liked my therapist"

I pulled away from her, she was good really good I almost completely forgot who she was the one who killed Amasi

" You can trust me yah know I wouldn't hurt you I'm not like your parents"

" My father didn't hurt me he made me stronger"

She sighed and walked away so she could talk with Shoku who was definitely the most silent out of us all.

I scratched my legs that itched from the lines of scabbing. My skin was in really rough condition.
how I missed the palace spas they would treat my skin like gold only useing rare beauty treatments and letting me sit in the hot bath water for hours.

I of course never let servants touch my hair I think the only people that did were my close freinds and my mother

" Lipstick makes you look older and people respect older people this might help generals respect you when you're speaking not that they shouldn't already your grace"

Azula Flickering HopeWhere stories live. Discover now