Reaction to your Period // preference

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Altaïr - is willing to offload you to someone else for the week, most likely Connor or Aveline because they somehow manage you so well. He is wary around you, worried that you might say something you'll heavily regret later on. You haven't yet, but he keeps his distance. Not that he hates you, he just doesn't know how the hell to react when you're like this. He is beginning to learn every month how you act, so he's avoiding you less and less now. Which you assume is a good sign...?

Ezio - gives you a wide berth when it's your time of the month. He may act like an idiot, but he is no Jacob Frye. He will occasionally laugh at his jokes, though he proceeds with extreme caution. For the most part, he's wary that you might 'de-man' him or something. He becomes more aware of the things he's blurting out and keeps a safe distance away from you. Just in case...

Connor - knows your monthly cycle almost better than you do. He'll mentally prepare himself a day in advance, just so everything goes as smoothly as possible, and everyone else doesn't get a beating from you. Not literally of course, but he hates it when you lash out and snap at people (ahem, Jacob). He is the most understanding when it comes to this. He knows it's simply natural and doesn't treat you like an untamed wild creature during this time. His open views on the matter - thanks to Ziio's parenting - really keeps you sane through it all. He behaves no different than any other day, and is always the sweet, kind Native boy you know so well.

Desmond - deals with it in a mature way, surprisingly. Not in the way that Connor does, but maturity nonetheless. He also treats you no different and he was taught enough from Connor that you're just going through the motions and Desmond being Desmond, keeps on radiating those chill vibes to keep you at bay. He's the guy you vent to when Jacob Frye crosses another line that Jacob Frye shouldn't cross. Thank goodness for Desmond Miles.

Aveline - is the kind of girl who will give you loads of love and understanding. As a girl herself, she gets what you're going through and does her best to help out. She always has sanitary products in reserve and has chocolate on hand to calm you down. She also gives you massive cuddles if none of the above come into effect. Her soft approach always works, and prevents you from springing at everyone's throats if you're feeling in that mood.

Arno - is absolutely terrified of you. He chooses his words wisely around you and is really apprehensive about asking if you need help with anything. He just doesn't want you to bite his little head off. He freaks out if you even begin to raise your voice, it doesn't look so obvious, but the wide-eyed expression he gives you says more than words. He tried to sympathise with you once, though failed in the attempt. That's why he's so skittish around you at that time.

Jacob - thinks it's the perfect opportunity for comedy. He will make constant jokes about it, stereotyping your common situation and constantly laughing at your reactions. Day in and day out he'll act like this, all through the week it'll be nonstop. He gets so many glares from you, but he knows you'll forgive him sooner or later. You do, but you don't forget the shit he says about you and you certainly let him know.

Evie - decides it's best to give you tough love. She knows what it's like to spend the approximate week like that but she also knows it's something you have to deal with. So if she hears you whinging about cramps, headaches, or anything of the sort, she'll smack a packet of pain relief tablets in your hand and tell you to get over yourself before Jacob cracks another joke. Though in your defence, Jacob is probably the reason why you have the headache... so she can't blame you too much.

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