Lunchtime // Love About You

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"You know what I love about you, ____?" Altaïr hummed in your ear as you perched on his lap. He was sitting on a desk chair, apple in one hand and the small of your back in another. The others hadn't arrived yet, thankfully, so you and Altaïr cuddled, patiently waiting for your friends to escape torturous class. It was... peaceful without them around, a quiet ambience filling the empty classroom. Light shone through the massive windows, shadowing and giving a soft glow to Altaïr's features. You emitted a sound that confirmed you were listening, yet ensured you didn't have to project any verbal communication to ruin the moment.

"Your forgiveness," he answered, a melodic tone hitting his voice, making it hard for you not to swoon. "After all, if you hadn't forgiven me at Auditore's party, we wouldn't be back together. Did I perhaps forget to tell you how much I love you?" He took another bite out of the apple, ever so relaxed where he lounged.

"No, you remind me every single day, Alty," you teased, lighthearted, tapping the end of his nose with a fingertip. "Besides, I don't give out redemption cards to everyone. If I forgive you, don't take it for granted. This is your first and last opportunity." It was almost a matter of fact, the way you spoke of these details, like they were hardwired. The warm arm around your waist prevented you from being so harsh, gazing into the crystal-clear amber eyes of your boyfriend. You would kill for another few minutes of serenity, alas, it would never last. Not here anyway.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE ABOUT ____?" A new voice boomed within the walls of the room, announcing its arrival. Of course, it was Ezio, halfway through a mouthful of mince pie from the canteen, still able to make everyone aware of his presence while chewing away at the pastry. Your best friend Connor followed close behind, his backpack slung over one shoulder and his free hand held his pre-made lunch from home.

"Ezio, how long have you been standing there?" you interrogated, as the teenage, Italian boy sauntered into the room, one Airpod in, blasting eccentric music. Connor ghosted the room, taking a chair from another desk to sit down next to you, tossing you a content smile while he opened the paper bag containing his lunch.

"Long enough for me to throw up the other half of this pie." Ezio held up his half-eaten pastry, rolling his eyes. He was exaggerating, but that's what Ezio was known for. Being dramatic and being the drama itself. You were grateful most of the over-the-top acting was utilised in the performing arts studio, rather than thrown casually around school grounds. "You lovebirds do realise we're at school, right?" It was now he pulled up a chair and sat next to Connor, beginning to form a semi-circle. Ezio continued to joke, mocking moans and pretending to make out with himself the best he could, trying not to drop the pie that he was still eager to consume. Connor shook his head, disappointed in the immaturity of his friend.

"That is rather childish, Ezio, and not to mention hypocritical. Was it not you heading out of the bathrooms yesterday with Cristina, hair all dishevelled? I would have sworn that —"

"OH HO KAY, THAT'S ENOUGH FROM YOU, RATON- RAT —" Ezio's olive face shrivelled for a split second, eventually surrendering, revelling in the knowledge that he couldn't say Connor's Native American name as some attempt at scolding.

Connor had taught you its pronunciation multiple times, and eventually you could confidently beckon Connor by calling 'Ratonhnhakè:ton', in and out of his home. His mother called on him a lot by that name and by the amount of visits you had made there, you were now comfortable with acknowledging him as such. It was an achievement for you especially, affirming it was indeed a difficult task at the time. Connor shot a death glare Ezio's way, at the disrespect he was shown for his culture and language.

"It is: Ratonhnhakè:ton," he corrected evenly, the threatening look he fronted not dimming as he drew a loaded sandwich from his bag. "And I already know that Cristina is your latest fling. You are not one for subtlety when you flirt, Ezio." Connor took a bite out of his sandwich, an unusual smugness lacing his lips. Ezio was ruby red in the cheeks and fuming like steam was going to release from his ears, but refrained from launching himself at the other boy. The Italian took a deep breath in, changed the song playing through his singular Airpod and turned back to focus on you, enthused to divert the topic of conversation away from him.

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