Curse of a Gargoyle

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"You think you can best me, boy?" you answered in return to Jacob's bold statement. Your fellow actor removed his top hat, tossing it aside with an exaggerated flick.

"Certainly, m'lady. I've been at it for years." With a smirk, he proceeded to throw mock punches towards you, eliciting a giggling fit from you as you pretended to fight back. He had hit you once or twice in the span of your short-lived battle, but they weren't going to leave injuries. After all, you were only playing.

This scene wasn't even implemented in your school play, yet none of you had broken character since the bell rang for lunch. Drama class with Maxwell Roth had that effect. It wasn't long after the bell had sounded for break, but neither of you wished to eat over acting. Except Ezio, who had excluded himself to puff cold air at his steaming mince pie. The door clicked open not a moment later and expecting another friend of yours to arrive in your usual congregating place, you took a mere glance before resuming your scrap with Jacob.

"Miss Frye, what do you think you are doing?" came a voice, none other than Assistant Principal, Miss Lucy Thorne, who — strangely enough — was more concerned with Evie's doings. Evie: the angel child, who had never done anything wrong in her life, ever.

"Reading?" Evie responded, more puzzled than certain of her hobby. They had a distaste for one another, although you could never discern as to why. Once satisfied with the random interrogation, Evie plummeted back into the wormhole of her book and Miss Thorne had moved onto scrutinising someone else.

"Mister Frye," she went on to say, venom on her tongue, as if the whole Frye family had some kind of repelling odour radiating from them. Evie's more metaphorical than her brother's. "Do I need to send you to the principal's office, or can you settle yourself down?" She sounded like a posh old lady who made it her civic duty to leech the life and joy from everyone she passed by. In which Jacob wasn't pleased one bit and shot a dirty glare in her general direction, leaving him open for attack. An opportunity you took immediately, tossing an all-too-eager fist at Jacob's shoulder, hitting him dead-on. Your friend recoiled, producing a sound of pain. Was your hit that aggressive? Thorne rounded on you.

"Miss (____), you do know how the school treats those who come into physical conflict with other students?" She spoke to you, but her eyes were trained on Altaïr and Ezio, whose gazes were averted, intentionally and unintentionally. Apparently no one ever forgot their brash approaches to opposition.

"Yes, Miss," you droned, complying with the instruction given to Jacob by lowering your defence and plonking yourself down onto the carpet.

"Yes, Miss," Jacob parrotted, mimicking you in the highest pitch he could muster. Wrinkling your nose, you whacked Jacob's hairy ankle and his eyes flicked to you, with a face saying: hey, what's that for? Even still, he backed off and sat behind you, giving you enough leeway to lean back into his chest, put out by the woman who doused your energy.

Killing everyone's fun was Miss Thorne's evident goal and, more than happy with the results, she did a one-eighty turn and exited the room.

"Bitch," you cursed, exasperated at the unnecessary amount of nitpicking the said staff member had committed to. You had hardly done anything and she advanced to attack you. Sure, kids had a lot of disrespect for their elders, but she did a great job of being the bigger person. Evie nodded along, agreeing with you.

"Miss Lucy Thorne is the vampire sucking the life out of everyone, and somehow manages to give all the blood 'donations' to Mister Starrick. She isn't a female dog, she's an evil, blood-sucking, demonic entity and —"


"Yeah?" She reacted a little panicked, as if none of you were meant to hear her oddly adorable conspiracy theory. Her delicate fingers fiddled with the next page of her book, afraid someone might drag her away and she'd never be seen again. She was wrong.

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