Another Frye-day // part two

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A/N: Okay, I just wanted to announce that now I have a part-time job, I might be updating a little slower than usual as I won't have as much time to write. But, I have a lot of preferences in reserve and I'll try to update once a week to compensate. Hope you guys don't mind (whoever is actually reading this). I got lazy near the end and added loads of dialogue because I wanted to get this done before labour weekend is over, that'll be why it looks gross and rushed. Ooh, and I also finished Rogue not too long ago, so I might find a sly way to include Shay at some point, hehe, we'll see. Kisses xx

Stepping foot inside the lab in the middle of the day, exhaustion flooded your senses, blurring things together. It was incredible how in school hours, your energy could drain in the matter of moments. The saga that occurred at interval was taxing enough, but walking into science class was leeching the very life essence from you. Desmond's words became incoherent as he demanded to know where you had been between classes, your brain unable to comprehend a word as you centred your waning energy to remain upright.

"Look, Desmond. I... uh... ugh, it's a long story alright?" His nose scrunched but had the common sense to drop the subject. Dropping your bag next to your usual seat, you sat down next to Desmond, who had copied you with his eyes still captivated by his phone. Catching a glance over his rapid, darting fingertips, you spotted it was Lucy Stillman, again, which came as no surprise to you.

Wincing as soon as your teacher walked into the room, you sank further in your seat, knowing how pathetic fleeing would be now. Your teacher, Warren Vidic, always had a dark air surrounding him at all times. That's what made you sit up faster than the speed of light, pulling yourself together before he ended you with his stare alone. The man entered and stood in the pristine-white science lab, an eerie draught that practically emitted from him began to curl around your ankles and put you in your place. He didn't go so far as to talk, simply linking his laptop to the screen above him and spreading his expectant gaze throughout the space, making sharp, approving nods to the few students that caught wind of their teacher's plan.

Seating plan. You silently groaned, yet again you were being torn from the comfort of your companions, and thrown into another's arms. Twice in one day. Fate was really out to get you. To your left, Desmond shot a wary glance, only for you to return the offering. Neither of you left each other during science, it was a pact between you both. Without you, Desmond couldn't work. Admittedly, he didn't pay enough attention anyway, but you were teaching him more than the teacher was. In truth, he'd prefer to message Lucy than listen to Vidic drone on about chemistry or biology, or whatever topic he set. Desmond wanted to listen to you when it came to science, not some grizzly old man who would snap at him at any chance possible. That suited you fine, your grades were decent enough to tune Desmond in the finer details of your current study. But now, for the first lesson since you don't know when, Vidic had moved everyone into different spots.

Two of the first to move were Evie Frye and Henry Green, who didn't look awfully disappointed at their sudden separation. Eyeing up the arrangement on the screen, you weren't entirely out of luck either. Nor was Desmond, though you knew he would react negatively regardless of what you tried to say to alter his view. In low spirits, you surreptitiously pecked Desmond's cheek and departed, veering around tables to acquaint yourself with your new science partner.

"Uh, hi," was what you stuttered when you plonked down at your new table, beginning to unload your books and pens, confidence speedily declining. Your partner made a look that was trying to say, 'great way to start a conversation', but you dismissed it on purpose. "I'm ____, I just met your brother this morning. Funny to be paired up with you on the same day, huh?" Sitting in front of you, your partner Evie scrunched her face up, eyelids hiding the general spark that resided in her ocean-blue eyes.

"You know him?" she hissed, leaning closer so you didn't have to strain your ears, or get caught by Vidic who was now pacing the perimeters. Evie's dark expression faded, seeming to remember her manners. "I apologise for anything rash or ridiculous that he may have done. He hardly knows the difference between left and right, let alone right and wrong."

"What do you mean? I think today was the first time I've seen him —" you paused, trying to narrow down a few words, "— well behaved," you finished, nodding at your words that presumably were adequate to explain Jacob earlier in the morning.

"Really?" she exclaimed. "He must like you." You wished you could decipher the look on her freckled face, because digging down, it spoke levels you couldn't begin to process. Before you could ask, Vidic started to give his reasoning for switching all your seats, which was due to the noise that was often spread in the room, but primarily because you had an upcoming science assessment that had to be submitted in the next couple of weeks. You internally cursed, spying Desmond sulking in the corner, next to an all-too-focused Henry Green. Depleted of all enthusiasm, you deemed it best to push personal feelings on the matter aside, and get the job done. As soon as this was finished, maybe the seating plan won't become permanent. Your teacher had eventually ceased to speak, allowing you to choose a subcategory from your genetics study and carry on to research. And another first was achieved in Vidic's science class: a minute-long dead silence.

"Hey," Evie said in a hushed tone, making sure the sound of her voice blended with the low whispers of the lab that slowly faded in. "If you don't mind, I'd like to work on this project at lunch... if you're not busy. I thought if we get this project done fast, and done well, we might go back to our original seats. No offence to you of course."


"Yeah?" Her face contorted, and you guessed that she was wondering whether she'd pushed a boundary she shouldn't have.

"You read my mind." In almost perfect synchronisation, you both grinned.

"Not possible," she chuckled, opening her laptop and vigorously typing something. "Anything specific you have in mind for this project?"

"Well... I liked the unit we did that was based on the likelihood of genetic memories," you confessed, in agreement that getting straight to business was the best course of action. She mumbled a polite response, tapping more keys on her keyboard.

"Alright, I'll find some reliable sources and you can take notes, while adding the sites to our bibliography. Easier to get higher marks that way."

"Got it. Also, where do you want to study? This place can get hella crowded sometimes." Initiating your new task, you wrote down notes with extreme precision, carefully inscribing each letter so your partner could read it. Evie hummed in deep thought, considering her options for a good second.

"Unfortunately, the library where I usually study is busy hosting the weekly book club today..."

"Oh no, don't worry!" you interjected with haste, knowing exactly where to go later on. "My friends hang out in a class a few blocks down, literally no one goes there. I'm sure I can get Ezio to keep his voice to a minimum." Evie reacted faster than you could click your fingers. She was gobsmacked to hear Ezio's name being mentioned, her jaw dropped and she had to deliberately draw breath to alleviate herself. It wasn't so much a shock of intense attraction, it was pure awestruck. Your little idiot, Ezio Auditore, was idolised? It appeared you had various connections around the school.

"You know Ezio Auditore?" In order to not burst out in hysterical laughter, you chewed on your bottom lip. It was now you wondered: So this is how it's gonna be, is it?

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