You rolled your eyes. "I'm not stupid. Your eyes strayed to Hank when I questioned you, your shoulder tense and your strum your fingers on the desk when you lie." he stopped the movement immediately and Hank laughed. "Damn she got you good. "

"Am I that easy to read?" he looked genuinely curious and you just gave a blank look. "So are you going to tell me what you have to tell me. Or do I have to tell Hank the real reason you're always taking lengthy bathroom breaks. " At the comment his eyes widened. And Hank looked more than a little intrigued. "No need." Nick insisted. He moved around to take a seat in his chair.

"Wait a second why does he take long bathroom breaks? " you giggled and Nick's cheeks colored. Even with the temptation, you refrained from telling him that his partner was busy sending very explicit text messages to his girlfriend in his free time.

"Anyway, back to what's important." Nick stressed. He straightened this time, and his eyes looked a bit serious.

"It's Alexander." just the name had you aggravated. You were already dead tired, you weren't so sure you would have the energy to deal with him at the moment. "What did he do this time?"

"He got shot." you froze for a second. A sinking feeling entered your stomach. You had no idea why but the thought made you weary.

"I-Is he alright?" Nick nodded. "Monroe and Rosalee already removed the bullets. From what I hear his most recent mission was to stop a family of killer wesen. They were reigning havoc on the coast and well, he might have bit off a little more than he could chew. He's recovering at the spice shop. "

The fact that he wasn't in danger of dying brought a sense of relief.

"I just wanted you to know because I know you can't stand him. If you happened to pass by the spice shop after work I didn't want there to be any surprises like the first time." The entire time Nick was talking he watched you. Every little expression on your face. He wasn't expecting your current reactions. He thought you hated Alexander, or at least disliked him as much as the rest of them did. But the worry in your eyes said a different story. Nick told himself not to press. You probably weren't aware of it yet, and currently he wasn't about to get in between whatever it was going on between you and Alexander. Not that he thought anything was even going.

"Well, I think I'll swing by. I'd never pass up the opportunity to gloat while he's injured." Hank smiled. "Make sure and gloat for me too." you chuckled. "Trust me I will. " you were already gathering your stuff. You raised your coat, walking away with a small farewell. Once you were gone Hank leaned over. "Did you see that? For a second I could have sworn she looked scared."

"Trust me you didn't imagine it." Hank titled his head in confusion.

"But I thought she hated the guy."

Nick stared.

"Love and hate are closer than either of them realize."


"How is he?" you cursed yourself for sounding like a concerned lover. If Rosalee picked up on it she didn't say anything. "He's fine. Luckily the bullets didn't hit anything vital. He'll be out for a while, but with a little rest and some very strong pain medication, he'll pull through. "

You could see the blood Rosalee was washing off her hands by the sink. You also noticed the number of bloodied pieces of cloth on the ground by her feet. The trails of red must have meant he passed out and one point and she had to drag to a more secure area. From your spot you could see him on the bed Rosalee kept at the back. His eyes were open and he was staring at the ceiling.

"You can see him if you'd like. He just woke up. " you were about to tell her you didn't want to, but she was already walking out the room and back to the front of the spice shop. The door closed on her way out. You sighed, peeking at him from your spot.

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