Chapter 31

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~Two Months Later~

"No, I'm fine. It's great honestly. I don't know why I haven't done this sooner. Yeah, Washington is so beautiful. I work with some impressive people too. One of my colleagues is actually a profiler. Yeah, he works shifts at the university. He talks nonstop, and he's so smart. The guy's like a walking encyclopedia. I know. Yep, tell Hank I said hi. Okay, yeah I talk with you later. Bye." you hang up the phone with a broad smile. You're still very much settling in, but Nick makes it his mission to constantly check up on you. So far he hasn't missed a day. It's sweet.

As you walk into the building, you're greeted by the blond tech genius that works on the top floor. When she sees you she holds the door open with an excited squeal. The brunette next to her is mirroring the same expression, and you laugh, stepping into the elevator. "Good morning Emily, Penelope."

They both wear a smile. "You know I think you're one of the few people in this building that calls us by our first name. " Emily is holding a cup of coffee, and she takes a sip and Penelope carries on telling you of her most recent date. You listen attentively, happy that she feels so comfortable to share such personal information. 

When you first got here you were a bit weary getting close to people. Partly because of your secret, and because you felt like you were still somewhat guarded. Your last job didn't end the way you would have liked, and you want to avoid the same happening here. Penelope was easy to talk to, she even gave you a few trinkets to help decorate your office, on the first day too. Emily was like the 'mama bird' as Penelope put it.

"I heard you helped close that cold case (Y/N). That's really impressive." You nod. Sean's recommendation did wonders for your choice in career. Initially you just wanted to teach criminology to college students, but he told you of an opportunity where you could help not just with your expertise on homicide, but also as a Grimm. 

So that's how you landed a very interesting and rewarding job. You were an instructor for trainee agents, as well as a consultant on the more 'special' cases. You thanked Sean immensely, because this way, you could still use your abilities to protect civilians. You worked in the bureau, of course a different department than the BAU. You were still grateful that it was close enough that you got to see Penelope, Emily and even JJ on a daily basis. Since some of your cases often clashed, you even joined on a few trips.

"You know what, we need to set you up. You deserve a little loving with all the work you put in. I have no idea where you still find time to teach." Penelope is already sifting through her phone for a contact. You lost count of how many blind dates you had to turn down from her.

"There's no need Penelope, I don't think I'm ready to get out there just yet." She's sulking, and Emily gives you an encouraging pat. "I second that." You smile. You've come to realize that you and Emily have a similar way of thinking, and although she doesn't know every detail of your last relationship, she knows just enough to understand.

"Trust me, when you're ready, you'll know." It's a lovely thought, you're almost afraid to tell her that you'll never be ready. Because there is only one guy you want to spend the rest of your life with, but as it stands, he's unattainable in that aspect. You settle for a nod of agreement, and the elevator dings, indicating your stop. You clench your handbag. 

"Well this is my stop, I'll catch you guys later." Penelope is waving like a child, so excited and you step out with a brilliant smile. They always seem to make your days a little more worth it. You head down the hall to your class. 

As you walk, your phone vibrates, and like most times, you hope that magically, it'll be the one you're longing for, saying he's ready to try and make this all work. But it never is. Just a text from Nick. An article of his most recent case. You tuck the device into your pocket a bit disappointed. Truthfully, after a month of no communication from Alexander, you sort of lost hope. He was married to his job. You knew when you met him. So then why did it still hurt so much.

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