Chapter 16

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Your eyes raised, looking at Nick. "Sorry what did you say?" He pointed to the case file right in front of you. "What do you think, wesen or not?" You turned your attention back to the paper on your desk. Two killings, both victims looked like they were impaled.

"I don't think it's wesen. The marks look like they came from a pole, anyone could have done that. With enough force it's possible for even a teenager to achieve." Hank nodded at your assessment. "I'd like the sound of a normal homicide for once.

Hank wasn't wrong. It felt like all you solved were wesen crimes lately. It could have been that's what you were doing all along. You couldn't see wesen until recently. So who's to say your previous cases weren't wesen related too.

"Have any of you heard from Alexander?"This was on your mind for a while. Rosalee told you that the next day after he was shot he left. You weren't sure what to feel. And it wasn't even a secret that you were a bit worried.

"I'm sure he's fine. The guy lives to make our lives complicated. He'll be back soon enough." Nick offered. You actually hoped that was the case. You just need to verify that he was in fact okay. And not somewhere bleeding out because he didn't like being taken care of.

"Stubborn idiot." you muttered. Hank gave you a look to clarify what you said. You flushed, returning your focus to the case.

"We should get back to this." you said gesturing to the file. You were already up and heading in wu's direction for information on family and friends of the victim.


"Are you kidding me, alright. Thank you." you hung up the phone. The entire day had been a lot of leads that fell through. It was getting a bit ridiculous.

"Maybe we should call it a night, start fresh tomorrow." The three of you were pretty much exhausted as it was, and if you got another dead lead you would explode. "Alright, sounds like a plan." The reason for your very cranky mood wasn't solely because of the case. You still had no word from Alexander, and no matter what you did you couldn't stop thinking about it. Where he was, what he was doing. If he was even still alive. Not knowing was eating you alive. You were already on your way out, checking your phone for any notifications. You just needed something. Anything. When you jumped in your car you must have sped away in ample time. You were zipping down the streets. You just needed a distraction. Something to get your mind off of him. It took a few minutes to get to your house. Pulling into the driveway, you parked, stepping out with a long sigh. Moving to the door, the memory of that one time he was waiting outside your house came back. You couldn't help but smile. You recalled being so infuriated with him for just showing up. Now it all seem so stupid. You shoved your key into the door, opening it. When you were safely inside you locked the door, turning your back to hang your coat on the rack.

"You should be more careful with your security. " You spun around drawing your gun. Alexander was standing in your hallway with a smile. "It's a pleasure to see you too (Y/N)." you lowered your gun with a glare. "Damn it Alexander I could have shot you! Again!" you holster your weapon, eyes moving to watch him. He didn't really look as bad as last night.

"Well, it would be unfortunate if I were to get shot again after narrowly surviving my last encounter."

"Smart ass." you grumbled. He just offered that smug look of his. Even though he pissed you off on the regular, you were really glad he was alive. "How are you already up and about. And why the hell did you break into my house. You do realize I'm a police officer right. I should arrest you for that. " he stepped closer, towering you. "I think I'd very much like it if you were the one cuffing me."

"Why do I even try." Of course he'd have some snarky retort.

"Of course you would." you evaded him, walking into the living room to take a seat. You didn't want him to pick up on how much that one statement actually affected you.

"I just came to say goodbye." your eyes opened a bit wider at this.

"What do you mean goodbye?"

"The council will be assigning someone else to keep watch here. Since the discovery of two Grimms, they want to ensure they know all that's going on. "

"You didn't answer my question Alexander. What you mean goodbye. And why the sudden change? You've been pretty adamant on being the one looking over us. What's changed?"

"I have." you still didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"I cannot continue to pursue you. It isn't what you want, and I believe it's clouding my judgement. My feelings for you are getting in the way of what needs to get done. Distractions are not something I can afford. And it's clear you have no wish to explore whatever this is. I think it would be for the best if I keep my distance. For good." He wasn't serious. He must have been saying this to mess with you. This was just another one of his games.

"Yeah right. Like hell you're leaving. I'm not falling for this Alexander. If you think I'll chase after you like some love sick teenager you're wrong. "

"I assure you I'm completely serious." The look on his face had you doubting yourself.

"B-But I..we were just starting to get along. Come on. You're a pain in my ass but-"

"But what? Do you think I will stay around until you finally realize what you feel for me. That's very selfish of you. I have no desire in being anyone's last choice. You've made it clear what you want. If being with that Blutbad is what you truly want, it's not my place to get in the middle of that. " he stepped a bit closer this time. " I've done some questionable things in my life for what I believe in, but I've always done what was best for others. In this case, it's my turn to make a decision that is best for me." he gave you one last longing look, before he turned, heading for your door.

"Alexander!" he stopped at the door, hand on the knob.

"If you leave, don't you ever come back." your words were cruel, but you were tired of this. How could he put you in such a position. He didn't reply, he just turned the knob, stepping out the door and closing the door behind him. You stared at it, not certain of what just transpired. You took in a few shaky breaths, hands coming to rest on the wall to steady yourself. You fought against the tears trying to escape, pressing your hand to your lips to keep in your soft sobs. 

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