Chapter 15

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"A Grimm!!!" the frightened  Bauerschwein backed away, changing back upon realizing your identity. You all had been dealing with this case for almost a week. Neither of you would have guessed that the pig like wesen was behind it. The murder victims were killed so brutally. You thought for sure the culprit was maybe a Blutbad, or even a Coyotl. Turns the connection was the one no one really put into consideration.

Having now backed the male into a corner you kept your gun drawn, just in case he decided to make a move. Nick came bursting through the door behind you, glancing at the man, then at you. "Alright Mr. Jackson, we have the building surrounded, there's no way to go. " He looked between the both of you, then to the window next to him. 

"They deserved it, you have no idea what those people did to me. Everyday of high school was a nightmare. Some days I wondered if I'd even make it home at the end of the day. " His voice was quivering, and you felt bad for him. The last victim you managed to saved confessed everything that they put their classmate through. You were starting to wonder who the real monster was. How could kids be so heartless. Even so, killing someone like that was unforgivable.

"We know what you went through Alex." You lowered your hand slowly, holstering your weapon. Lifting your hand into the air you spoke. "It must have felt like you were all alone, that no one cared."

"NO ONE DID!!" He screamed. He inched closer to the window and you stepped forward. Nick was clutching at his gun, ready to shoot if he had to.

"Please don't!" you yelled. You moved over to him, his frantic eyes directing back to you.

"Please don't do this. I know you were in pain, and no one helped. But that doesn't mean you have to end it all here. Please just let me help you." You could tell he was still contemplating jumping out the window. The fact you were on the fifth floor didn't help. He'd surely be dead if jumped from that height.

"Why do you care! No one has ever cared before. If I die today, no one would give a crap. I'd just be another monster in the paper."

"I care because I..I couldn't save them.." The ache that echoed in your voice grabbed his attention. Alex was now completely focused on you. "I became an officer to protect people. It's all I ever wanted to do since I was a kid. It's my calling. That's what I thought my entire life. That was until I couldn't protect them. I couldn't protect the two people in my life that meant everything to me. " Nick's eyes moved to you for a second. He couldn't see your face, but he didn't need to see to know what expression you were wearing.

"Everyday since they died I've been questioning myself, and this job. What good am I doing if I can't help people. What good am I if I can't save you. " He swallowed, and you took the chance to approach him, cautiously. When you were right next to him you held out your hand. 

"I'm so sorry that those people turned you into this person, but you're still a human being. One that I have a chance to help. Please...please don't make me lose another life." his body was shaking, and you closed the space quickly, pulling him into your arms. He held on, crying as you hugged him. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." he just kept apologizing, breaking down right there. Nick finally relaxed, watching as the officers slowly started filing through the door. Nick's eyes met yours for a split second, an unanswered question hanging in the air.


"Good job on the arrest, We managed to catch the perp and save his last victim. I'd say today was a win." Sean's words made you feel a little better. "Some reporters are interested in meeting the young women who managed to talk down a killer." you knew his words were an invitation.
You laughed softly. 

"I'll pass. I'm exhausted, it's been a tough week. I feel like I haven't slept in ages. " Sean nodded. "I understand." he gave a soft pat, and you smiled, heading out the door of his office. When Hank and Nick caught sight of you, you could tell they were talking about something that they clearly didn't want you to hear. The sudden change in their gait was a clear give away. When you walked over you folded your arms. "Okay what is it?" Nick cleared his throat, leaning on your desk. "What is what, we were just discussing your arrest. Good job by the way."

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