Chapter 11

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" What do you expect me to do with this?" I cross my arms as he tosses me a wizard costume.

" Today we are going to convince people that wizards and witches are real." He shows me his witch costume and I raise my eyebrows.

" You do know that wizards are for men right?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

" Of course I know that. This makes it more interesting though." He replies and I laugh.

" I have to ask. Where did you get these things?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

" Who doesn't have costumes in the back of their car?" He asks me and I laugh.

" So what's the plan?" I ask as we walk into a restaurant.

" Put these in your purse." He hands me his costume and I put them in the huge purse Molly bought me.

" After they ask for our drinks we run into the bathroom and change into them." He whispers in my ear and we walk up to the front.

" How many?" The man at the front asks.

" Two." Logan bluntly states like it's obvious and I elbow him.

" Follow me." The man leads us to a table and Logan shakes his head.

" No, no, no. This won't do. We don't like a lot of attention put on us." Logan says and I step on his foot.

" Reed this table is fine." I say and the man stares at us annoyed.

" We want a booth." Logan ignores me and the man nods. He shows us to a booth by the window and Logan nods.

" This is fine." He replies and the man leaves after handing us our menus.

" Why in the world were you so picky about a booth?" I ask as we slide into the booth across from each other.

" It's all part of the act. Order the longest drink to make here." He says and I nod. Yup he's going crazy.

" Hi I'm Jacky and I'm your waitress this evening. Can I start the two of you off with some drinks?" She happily chirps.

" I'll have two chocolate milkshakes and she'll have three." Logan says and my jaw drops. I kick his knee and he bites his lip. The ladies eyes widen before she nods then leaves.

Logan stands up and pulls me up as well.

" Three milkshakes!" I snap as he pulls me towards the restrooms.

" Complain later. Give me my costume." He says and I hand him his before he pushes me into the bathroom.

I rush into the stall and quickly put on my costume. Since it's a men's costume it's a few sizes too big. I adjust the hat on my head and giggle. I look crazy. Someone bangs on the outside of the bathroom door and I rush out knowing it's Logan.

When I take a look at him laughter explodes out of me. I'm guessing the outfit was originally for me. His witch dress stops at his thighs and is extremely tight on him.

He smirks then grabs my arm and pulls me back to our table. The room grows silent when we run past them and sit down.

The chatter slowly rises and we grin when the waitress comes back.

" Alright here's five chocolate milkshakes." She sets the tray on the table then gasps when she looks at us.

" Is anything wrong?" Logan asks with a sneaky smile.

" N.. no sir." She bites her lip to stop herself from laughing.

" What can I get you two to eat?" She asks and Logan smiles at me.

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