Chapter 12

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When we get into the car and take off we get silent. The only noise you could hear is the tires hitting the gravel on the street.

I take a look at Logan and decide to speak. " Reed?"

He doesn't say anything but tightens his grip on the wheel instead.

" Reed!" I announce again and his eyes turn dark.

" What!" He snaps and I flinch. Why is he so moody today?

" Why'd you kiss me?" I want to touch my lips but keep my hands in my lap.

" We were going to get caught if I didn't." He says a little harshly.

" That was my first kiss." I confess awkwardly. His face softens briefly before hardening.

" You don't have feeling for me do you?" My heart clutches at his words.

" No." I mutter and he visually relaxes. Am I really that bad to where he wouldn't want to kiss me?

" Good keep it that way."

I turn my head facing the window and shut my eyes. Is it because I'm not pretty enough? Or maybe I'm too unexperienced.

I know I made a deal to stay with him, but going anywhere with him is the last thing at the moment I want to do.

What's so bad about me liking him? I don't but.. ugh I just don't understand. I always feel warm and safe around him. Are those the words? No.. I feel alive.

From the first task I did I've felt alive. When he knocked me off the building that was a wake up call. I felt a rush I wanted to continue to feel. I understand what I'm getting out of this whole adventure. But what's he getting out of it? Why is he helping me?

When we get to his house he doesn't stop the car. " I have to do something. I'll be back later." He says and I frown.

" Reed what's wrong with you today?" I ask.

" Carter get out of my car." He says and my face turns sour. I get out and slam the door angry. Who does he think he is today?

I run up to Molly's room and she jumps when I slam the door.

" Hey Morgan. How did the rule breaking thing go?" She asks and I freeze.

" You know about that?" I stare at her shocked.

" Of course I do. I know everything that's been going on." She bites her lip like she just told a secret.

" Everything?" I raise my eyebrows and she nods.

" Tell me then. What's going on with him?" I plead.

" He feels like he's beginning to loose his bad boy side." She sighs and I sit by her on the bed.

" How?" To me Logan's always been a bad boy.

" He's gotten soft ever since he met you." She replies and I sarcastically laugh.

"He's gotten soft ! What was he a monster before?" I roll my eyes.

" I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet." She mumbles shaking her head.

" Figured out what?" I narrow my eyes at my hands. That I should leave. Is that what I need to realize?

" He likes you Morgan." Her words make my heart beat ten times faster. That's not possible.

" No." I shake my head frowning.

" Yes. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you." She tries to convince me.

" No! This isn't some book. He can't like me." My lip starts to wobble and I place my head in my hands.

" Why won't you believe it?" She asks and I shut my eyes.

" I've never had anyone care for me before. When I met Logan I was sure that wasn't going to change." I confess and it gets silent.

" I care about you, and so does my brother." She tells me. " Heck I don't think anyone will ever care about you more than Logan."

" Why's that?" I pick up my head and look at her.

" Morgan your the first girl that's ever been introduced to us by him. He talks about you non-stop. Do you really think he would be doing all of this for you for no reason?" She asks and I sigh.

" I just don't know if I can believe it." I tell her and she brings me into her arms.

" Well you should." She murmurs.


A door slams from downstairs and I jump up. I squint at the clock and frown. Who's just getting here at three in the morning. I swing my legs off the guest bed and quietly creek my door open.

Can it be Logan? He hasn't come back at all today. The sound of footsteps comes closer to me and I pop my head out. My body relaxes as I see Logan and I grab his arm pulling him into my room.

" Where have yo- oh my gosh your face!" I gasp as I flip on the light and spot his bloody cheek.

" It's nothing." He shrugs and I grab his face pulling him closer as I examine him.

" Let's get you cleaned up." I whisper and pull him into the bathroom connected to the room.

What in the world happened to him? He had to have been in a fight, but why? The thought of someone hurting Logan sickens me.

" Do you want to tell me what happened to you?" I ask as he sits on top of the sink.

" Not really." He replies as I look through the cabinets. When I find a first aid kit I pull it out and place it on the counter.

" I'm not really asking anymore."I mutter loud enough for him to hear. He stares at me as I pull out the rubbing alcohol and put it onto a rag.

" I got into a fight." He says as I come closer and go in between his legs.

" This might hurt a little." I whisper and press the rag against his cheek. He scrunches his face in pain and groans.

" Keep still." I say and surprisingly he does. I continue to pat down his face until all that's left is a few scratches.

He watches every move I do kind of creeping me out.

" Can you tell me what happened now?" I ask him crossing my arms.

" I got in a fight." He says and I roll my eyes.

" I know that. With who and why." I raise my eyebrows wanting an answer.

" Some homeless guy kept pestering me for money." He grumbles and I narrow my eyes.

" So why didn't you give him any?" I ask confused. Logan could buy half of the United States if he wanted to. Ok more like one third.

"He seemed so innocent at first which drove me mad. Heck he reminded me of you. So I kept messing with him until he decided to punch me, and then we got into a fight." He frowns at the memory.

" Why didn't you come back today." My voice cracks a little. " I was so worried."

" I thought that if I rebelled today that I would get my bad boy streak back. I was so mad when I kissed you today." He tugs at his hair and I frown. What is so bad about kissing me.

" Why?" I barely whisper. Logan surprises me by jumping off the counter and presses me against the wall.

My breathing quickens and my heart starts to pick up pace. He leans in to where we are about two inches apart then reaches up letting loose my bun.

" Because I want you." He dips his head down and smashes his lips against mine.



Heyyyyyyy sorry for the wait. I feel like I say this every time. Anyways thanks for reading.

This is where it's going to start picking up pace. Please comment and vote. Thanks!!!!

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