Chapter 8

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Its interesting how quickly we judge people without even knowing them. Its also interesting how wrong we turn out to be. The academy tells us not to judge others. That some people are just not capable of living in the real world. But aren't they judging?

The image of a person is so far from the reality of them. We see what we want to see. As I stare at the photos in the box I realize that. Logan has a silly grin on his face as him and three of his friends pose for the camra. When I first met Logan I was terrified but at the same time I was intrigued. His hard eyes sunk into mine and made me want to shrink. I wouldn't have thought that he could have a heart or one ounce of generosity.

But when I think about it I judged too quickly. Exactly what I was taught not to do. When I see him now I see a hurt boy who has a build a barrier around him self.

In my palms I hold an old picture of Logan and what appears to be his mother.

She has her lanky arms wraped around him as they smile happily into the camra. She looks like a wonderful woman, but from what Logan has told me I'm not really sure about that.

I put the picture back and grab the little envelop at the bottom.

" What are doing." A voice sounds throughout the room and I jump frightened dropping the envelop.

when I turn around I realize it's logan. I bite my lip and sigh. I may or may not be snooping through his stuff....

" Are we going to go down there at all today ?" I ask Logan and he shrugs. It's been three long hours since our conversation. Right now I am beyond bored.

" There's no reason to be down there."

" Reed can I ask you something ?" I ask curious of something that's been on my mind. He raises his eyebrows telling me to ask away.

" Wh.. why are you wasting your time with me?" I start braid my hair to distract myself. From the corner of my eye I see his eyes burning a hole in my head.

" I don't waist my time. Not on important things." My fingers freeze from finishing off my braid at those words.

" What's so important about all of this?" I turn to look at him.

" This is much more than just fixing your self Carter. " He rakes his hand through his tosseled hair.

" What else could it be?" All along its been to simply just change me. I didn't know that there was more to it.

" I.. I need.." He fumbles with his words losing his confidence. "Your not the only one who wants to change." He says.

" Wai-" I try to say.

" I'm going to take a shower. Stay here." With that he's gone. I let out a very unladylike groan and flop down on his bed.

What does he mean by I'm not the only one who wants to change? I never even thought of the possibility of him wanting to change. He always carries himself with a jaunty like walk and so much confidence. I really don't know anything about him do I?

I move my arm and accidentally knock my phone off the bed. With another grunt I crawl off the bed and bend down to grab it.

A medium sized red box with the word memories written across it catches my eyes though. Maybe I could get to know him better. What's five minutes going to harm.

I grab the box placing it on top of the bed and sit down. I place my hands on the lid wanting to tug it off. Everything flashes red alerts in my head saying no though.

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