Chapter 22

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~ Morgan ~

The glowing white disappears into a puddle of sequins. The end trailing behind me. So far back making me feel like I'm standing in snow.

The dress fitting my figure perfectly. My hair held up elegantly with few curls poking out. Never have I looked so beautiful.

Never have I looked so vibrant and alive. My palms sweat against the dress and heart beats pound out of my chest.

I'm not scared though. My heart tells me to trust him. So that is exactly what I will do.

Someone knocks on my door tearing me away from my view on myself.

" Come in." I say clearly enough for them to hear. Is it showtime already?

Taylor comes in with a breathtakingly gorgeous woman behind him. They hold each other's hands and smile brightly at each other.

" Morgan we have to leave now." Taylor grabs my wrist and I look at him like he's insane.

" What?" I ask confused. Is there something wrong?

The female steps forward and smiles at me. " I'm sorry I never properly introduced myself. I'm Jill soon to be Taylor."

Surprise takes over me and I hug her. " It's so nice to finally meet you."

" You too, but we need to leave now." They try to leave but I stand my guard.

" What's going on here ?" I ask and they nervously look at the clock hanging on the wall.

" We're busting you out of here Morgan." Jill says and Taylor nods in agreement.

" If we do then you won't get your treatment for you." I frown sadly.

" It was all fake Morgan. Jill and I looked into my moms computer this morning. They lied about Logan selling girls to woman slave auctions. They also lied about Jill having cancer. My mom paid off the doctor to tell Jill that." Taylor quickly explains.

" Wait why ?" None of this makes sense to me right now.

" Your dad was rich Morgan. When he died the money went to you. Only you didn't know that since you were only a baby. My mom knew about that and wanted the money to herself. It was all a set up." My mouth drops as I try to register this.

" But we have to go !" They grab me and we begin to run down the halls of the church.

" Hey you three !" Guards yell making us only move faster.

We run out of the heavy church doors. Then down the steps of the church.

I don't understand any of this. Where are we going? Is Logan here like he promised?

" It was great meeting you Morgan." Jill quickly hugs me then so does Taylor.

" Wait where are you two going?" I ask surprised. They're just going to leave like that?

" Hurry Logan's waiting for you !" They run off in a separate direction. Wait Logan's here? I look around and see nobody.

" Hey princess turn around." I spin around and see Logan on his motorcycle.

" Morgan stop !" Ms. Hardwick runs out of the church doors.

" Hop on." Logan tosses me a helmet.

" Where are we going." I fasten it around my head and hop on behind him.

" Run away with me." He starts his engine while Ms. Hardwick screams for him to stop.

" Are you insane !" I shriek and wrap my arms around him.

" Morgan I need an answer." He says and I laugh. I bite my lip and go with my heart.

" Yes I'll runaway with you." He pulls out into the road and the yelling slowly fades away. The sun begins to set and I turn around. The church is just a faint shadow now. We pass the city sign and I smile.

I reach behind me with one hand and let go of my up do. My curls sprawl out in the wind and I smile.

I lean my head on Logan's shoulder and sigh in relief.

Ms. Hardwick was wrong about a lot of things. So many that I can't even explain. One being on the topic on love. I have learned something about Ms. Hardwick though. She isn't mean she's just broken. I hope she finds that one person meant for her.

Love isn't just something written down in books or in songs. It's not a made up illusion or a trick we play on ourselves.

Love is something that is planted as a seed inside of you when your born. Then as you grow that seed grows with you. When you find that true person who proves that love is more than an emotion that we can't change or ignore. That seed blossoms and that is the love I found with Logan.

Logan once told me that I was the angel who saved him. When it's quit the opposite. He saved me in more ways then I could ever thank him for. The attraction between us will never die out, and neither will our love.

Falling in love with him was greater than I could ever imagine. He gave me the one thing I've always wished for. A happy ending.

Love is like stepping off a cliff.. Your brain tells you it's crazy. While your heart tells you that you can fly.

~The end~


Hey guys it's the last chapter. I'm seriously sitting here trying not to cry. Crazy I know.

This has been an incredible journey writing this book. Thank you everyone for joining this journey with me.

This is the last chapter and there will not be an epilogue. Just thank you again.

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