Chapter 7: Izuku's Resolve

Start from the beginning

"And not like an extension of my body!" Izuku continued as he figured out what was All Might trying to tell him.

"Wait! You knew?" All Might quickly replied, surprised by his Successor's words. He didn't expect Izuku to know the answer.

"All Might, do you remember when I told you how I'm able to faintly see a blue energy inside people's bodies?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, I do remember... You said something about how this energy is actually what makes people use their Quirks."All Might replied as he tried to remember Izuku's explanation from that day.

"Correct, by channeling this energy and using it, anyone can use his Quirk. Before I started to imagine the egg in the microwave, I used to observe with my Sharingan this energy and channel it, in a way that makes me able to safely use One for All without breaking my bones." Izuku explained as All Might paid attention to understand everything that Izuku was saying.

"Yes, but with practice, you were able to control the output, by getting used to the feeling and imagining the egg in the microwave." All Might explained, helping his student with the puzzle he was trying to complete. "However?"

"However, when I observed my classmates' Quirks during the Quirk Apprehension Test, I noticed something different."

"What is it?"

"They were channeling this energy in their entire body. For example, that blonde hair kid named Aoyama. The energy that is spread through his entire body concentrates in his stomach, allowing him to shoot his beams. The pink skinned girl named Mina. She spreads the energy in her entire body before she can shoot her acid from anywhere. The same thing with that girl named... Momo Yaoyorozu, except that her energy lets her create anything." Izuku replied.

"Let me guess, you channel it in one limb, right?"

"Yeah..." Izuku replied with a sheepish smile on his face.

All Might could only smirk at his protégé's words. The boy was a natural genius. "I see, your analysis skills are as sharp as always Young Midoriya. So, do you have any idea on how to improve?"

Izuku then shook his head and began to think out loud. "One for All and the Sharingan are really different. In order to use the Sharingan, all I have to do is activate it through my eyes and then I can use its powers freely, but for One for All I have to activate it- Wait, the Sharingan is a Quirk that all I need to do to use it, is activate it from the start and One for All is a Quirk like the Sharingan, so all I have to do is channel the energy in my entire body before I use it. No, I have to channel it and keep it spread out while controlling the output and making sure that I don't go over 8%. All Might! I figured it out!"

All Might just looked at Izuku with a puzzled expression and sweatdropped. He had to admit that Izuku's muttering was really helpful to the kid, no, a very weird powerful asset that could be considered a Quirk. "Then show me what you can do Young Midoriya."

"Yes Sir!" Izuku then concentrated and activated One for All. He also activated his Sharingan, to make sure that the blue energy was spreading through his entire body at 8%. However, he was surprised to see that it's cyan...

"Can you move?" All Might asked.

Izuku waved his right arm, trying to get the feeling of this new power. "I think I can, but there's something else I just noticed." He replied.

"What is it?"

"The energy's color changed to cyan... It's not blue anymore."

All Might was really surprised by this. He already had little to no info about this whole blue energy thing, but now Izuku was telling him that his energy went from blue to cyan. He was afraid that something bad might happen. However, the next thing that happened surprised him more, as green/cyan lightning began to swirl around Izuku's body.

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