Chapter 26: Big Bad Guys That Are Bad

Start from the beginning

"Okay, we have a mission here. Hunt down and eliminate the threat of the hacker." I say. Carter takes over.

"First, we need to find out where he or she is." Carter goes on. "How... I honestly have no clue." He looks down. We look around the table, and nobody has any idea. "Okay... I think the first thing to do is gather information on potential suspects."

"Ah yeah, it's crime fighting time!" Emile said, pumping his fist.

"Just like that drug we found on that first live streamed mission that totally went somewhere and wasn't filler at all!" I say.

"And how that drug just faded from existence because the author forgot about it, so cool!" Carter goes on. We all look at each other, confused at what we just said. 

"So... how about we just start hunting..." Reha brings us back to reality. I point at him.

"Good idea." 

"One more thing." Carter said, keeping us from leaving yet. "It's in matters to Reha." 

"Oh?" Reha straightens up. 

"I say we give him a callsign." 

"You're saying we take the Covey and call him Noble 7?!" Emile stands up, smashing the table. "No way in Hell does he deserve that!" 

"Emile!" I shout back.

"Oh you're all buddy-buddy with the alien that assisted with the invasion of Reach! That was our home!" 

"It was war! As much as I hate to say it, it was his order to do so! He carried out orders, just like us!" Emile walks over to me and grabs me.

"You're comparing me to these beasts?!"

"Yes! Yes I am!" He throws me to the ground. 

"It makes me sick to the stomach that you'd EVER put us on equal level with them." He walks off. We all look to each other. We all just kinda shrug and continue talking. 

"6, go talk to Ozpin. Reha... just go with him I guess and be stealthy." Carter orders.

"As per usual." I say, getting up with Reha's help. "Well, let's get to it." We get into the warthog and drive off, Reha cloaking up. It's an uneventful drive honestly, just me and him talking about what happened with Emile. He's never blown up like that at me, or even at Reha. I shake the thought for now as we pull up to the airports, walking and sneaking onto the ship. I open my scroll and see it's a video call Ruby. I open it up, and her camera is off. 

"Uh... hey?" She stays silent, but I can hear a fan going in the background, and her... sniffling? "Ruby? Whats wrong? Is Yang there?" 

"Um... yeah..." Yang finally speaks up. Reha comes out from the cargo bay, taking the seat right next to me as she speaks. 

"Did something happen?" I say, straightening up.

"We... we thought she was dead..." Yang said. 

"Did something happen to Summer?!" 

"No... no. We just wanted to thank you, 6."

"So why is your camera off?"

"Because we're both crying messes." The to laugh through silent sobs. I smile, albeit under the helmet. 

"Yeah, no need to turn it on then." I laugh with them, but Reha slumps in his seat after I agree with the two. What's up with him? "Well, the airbus is just landing, and I gotta talk to Ozpin." I say, and they end the call without a goodbye. I turn to Reha, whose just gone. I shrug and the ship lands, the two off us getting off. The campus is empty, so Reha can safely uncloak and walk freely. We reach the elevator and head up. "So, what was all that?" 

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