Chapter 26: Big Bad Guys That Are Bad

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You know, I'm stunned. This book has kinda gotten pretty popular, I mean, at the time of writing this note, the book is at 5.5K views. Why? Just why?

"Hey, 1!" I shout through the warehouse. He walks out of Cat's workplace. 

"Broke him?" 

"Yup. He's fully willing to give us some juicy information about the White Fang."

"Good. We need to find and torch those Covenant weapons."

"W-What?! C-Covenant?!" Jake said, confused. I groan. 

"Those cool weapons that shoot plasma and needles?" I explain.

"Yeah, those experimental Atlesian weapons we stole! Is Covenant the company that invented them or something?" So their real nature was kept secret, even inside the White Fang. 

"Yeah, exactly." Carter goes with it. 

"I don't know where they keep those." 

"Well, I want to know where Adam Taurus is, not that. He'll point us in the right direction, after we have some fun." 

"A-And what about me?" 

"Well... you should go and get out of here. Out of Vale, preferably."

"J-Just run?! I can't!" 

"Your spine is in one piece, I don't see why you can't."

"It's a thing of pride! I can't leave-" Emile comes up from behind Jake, and he falls silent. Jake slowly backs away, making a mad dash to the door out. 

"Well that solves that."

"You do realize we never got anything out of him, right?" Cat said. The three of us look at each other, then the ground. 

"I got him..." I start walking away.

An hour later

"For a scrawny guy, Jenny here is pretty fast." 


"Do you want 4 to carve your name into your skull so you remember?!" I throw him onto the ground, and he remains silent. I kneel down to him. "Okay, we kinda let you go prematurely. So, just point out where Adam is on a map, and we'll have zero problems." Carter walks over with a large paper map, rolling it out in front of Jake. He grabs a pen from Carter's hand and draws a small circle immediately. He hands it back to Carter.

"That's at least a day long drive." He said, sighing.

"I guess that's all we need from you. Now, scram." He gets up and runs. I shout after him. "I won't come and get you again!" Carter gives me the map, and I look it over. "Hm. When should we head out?" 

"ASAP, I guess." He shrugs. Cat lets out a loud, frustrating shout. The three of us slowly slink away, trying to escape. 

"HOW HAS THIS GOTTEN WORSE?!" She shouts. Carter musters some courage and walk over to her. 

"What's happening?"

"The virus somehow got more advanced! It's like whenever I try to decode it, it changes and kicks me out of the system!" 

"That's awfully advanced." 

"You say?!" She gets clicking away again, and Carter comes back over to us. 

"We need a new source of coms."

"Or... we could just find whoever is doing this and give his neck a new found flexibility." 

"Perhaps that's our best choice." Carter said, grabbing his helmet from the table. Jun slides down the ladder to the roof, Jorge looks up from cleaning his gun. The five of us boys meet up in a large center table, and Reha comes down from the roof to join us. Cat continues to work on the coms.

Remnant's Favorite Spartan (Noble 6 x RWBY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora