"Yes", Taehyung grinned, "It's having sex with yourself."

"But what do you exist for then?"; Jungkook blurted out.

"Do you only need me for sex?", Taehyung asked dramatically, acting as if he was deeply hurt by Jungkook's question. "No but-, isn't that what humans are for-"

"Jungkook who taught you that humans are for sex?", Taehyung sighed, highkey concerned.

The boy shrugged, "I don't know. Most people in hell had a lot to do with sex", he giggled, "So I assumed it's the thing people do all the time."

"You do not make sense", Taehyung sighed, "I thought you don't know what sex is."

"I do", Jungkook said, "But I don't know how to do it. Well, now I know", he winked and got up from the bed. He held his back, an arching pain reaching through his whole body. His ass was sore and he could barely walk straight. "Ouch, why does it hurt-"

"Because I fucked you", Taehyung said dryly, "And my cock is big, it won't let your ass forget it so soon."
He handed Jungkook a pullover and then grabbed him by the hand so they could head to the cafeteria. Kook followed him, limping.

It was an awkward moment, people just passed them and went silenced as soon as they saw Taehyung. It wasn't even Jungkook that made them quiet down, it was Taehyung who left frightened looks on everyone's face. The halls of the spaceship felt so much bigger when everyone was watching your every step, Taehyung for once didn't feel invisible around here.
Kook was not really minding any of the unwanted attention, he just smiled brightly. Nothing could ruin his mood, he had his first time last night and then again this morning-, there was nothing that could bring him down from now on.
Jungkook was a real man now.

Taehyung however felt smaller than ever when he saw the table with his friends being full already, the usual spots where Taehyung and Jungkook used to sit was filled by two guys from a few grades beneath them. "What is going on?", Jungkook asked a little surprised when he saw that their seats were taken.
Jimin threw them a look full of hatred while Gigi started giggling to herself as if she just heard a really good joke. Hoseok and Yoongi were giving Jungkook concerned looks, ignoring Taehyung to the fullest.
"I have no idea", Taehyung hummed towards Kook.
They looked around but every table was filled with people who judged them with their looks.

Except for one.

A red haired girl sat there, her name was Leah and she was a loner. No one ever talked to her and she didn't make an effort to find any friends, she seemed good on her own. That girl was waving Taehyung and Jungkook over, giving them a smile.
They hesitated for a moment, Taehyung remembered all the strange stories that were being spoken around about this girl. Apparently she used to create her superhumans with certain traits that later on got forbidden around here. One of her experiments had set a whole laboratory on fire last semester and ever since then she was restrained from creating anything else.
Taehyung was struggling, not sure if he wanted to be around someone who was similarly looked at as him right now, but Jungkook pulled him forwards and sat down at the girl's table.
"Hello", Jungkook greeted friendly, trying to pull off his newly learned conversation skills. He had read a book about human interaction and learned how small talk worked. "Hi", the girl replied with a calm smile, looking Jungkook and Taehyung up and down.

"Mhm", Taehyung hummed. "How's life, Leah?"

"Great", she replied, "I heard you're restrained from creating superhumans now as well? Why is that?"
Taehyung pointed at Jungkook, "I accidentally let the devil come alive", he grumbled, not too happy with the fact that he was now officially an outsider because he wasn't allowed to do the training anymore.

"Oh..", Leah said, "So you.."

"I-, what?", Taehyung snapped at her, it pissed him off how she immediately went silent after starting her sentence. It made him feel just like the looks everyone was giving him.
"So you are the key to the gate", she hummed to herself, "Have you talked to Seokjin yet?"

"What on earth are you talking about?", Taehyung hissed at her, "I don't talk to Seokjin. Everyone knows he's not a good person."
"But are you?", Leah lifted her brows, "I think you should really talk to Seokjin about Jungkook."

"What do you have to do with Seokjin?", Taehyung asked her curiously, "I thought the teachers despise you because of your dumbass experiment that made the lab blow up."

"They do", Leah smirked, "Except for Seokjin. He's on our side, Taehyung."

"What side?!", Taehyung let out the biggest sigh, "I'm not on anyone's side! I didn't think of anything when I made Jungkook, yet everyone keeps thinking I made him evil on purpose."

"You should really talk to Seokjin", Leah said again, "I'm not allowed to go into detail about all of this, but you should go see him before it's too late. Once the gate's opened-"
"The fuck? What are you talking about", Taehyung groaned out, "There's no gate opened."

"You opened it when you pressed the button that made Jungkook come alive, Taehyung. That's why everyone looks at you like this. There's a legend saying that only the darkest souls can open up the gate between the universes. You opened the one that goes straight to hell."

"Bullshit", Taehyung got up from his chair, "I didn't open anything except for Jungkook's legs. Fuck off, Leah, you're a creep. No wonder that nobody likes you!"
Leah laughed out, "Go see Seokjin before class. Do yourself the favor. He'll tell you everything you gotta know."

"Fuck off."


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