chapter 4

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i suck at updating but i fully blame this on working 7 days a week


"Are you ready?"
"Absolutely not, no", Taehyung stared blankly at Namjoon who stood in front of him, adjusting the protection vest he had just put onto the boys. "Great", the older gave Taehyung an uplifting smile which the boy didn't take well at all. He sideglared Jungkook who stood there with the calmest smile on his face, having a staring contest with Seokjin who was responsible for adjusting Jungkook's protection clothing.
"Why do we even have to wear these things?", Taehyung asked anxiously, fiddling around with the pants that felt way too heavy on his thin legs. "It feels like we're going to war-"

"Just without the gun", Jin grinned from besides him and gave the boys a smirk that got Taehyung even more scared.

"What is there awaiting for us?", Taehyung asked curiously but he knew that he would not get an answer. They never got explained in detail what would go down in each room. All they knew was that they had to survive for 24 hours in each room.
Day one- this meant it was time for earth simulation.

Taehyung had always been looking forward to this day. He used to dream about how earth would look like now-, hundreds of years later since humankind left it. Room One had always been the one he was looking forward the most, but now that the day came; he didn't want to go there at all.

Maybe it was because he felt even more unsafe going there with Jungkook who was nothing like he imagined him to be like. This boy was the pure evil and Taehyung wasn't sure if he had the same goal in mind as Taehyung had.
Of course you couldn't truly die in a simulation-, well that's what they tell you. But there had been students who never came back from it. And Taehyung was pretty sure that if it depended on it, Kook would leave him there to die.
Jungkook however looked excited. Two days on this spaceship had already bored the hell out of him so going somewhere new was exciting to him.
Taehyung really forgot to give this boy a sense of emotions, he just looked blank all the time and only dangerous things made him excited in a way.

Fascinating to see, yet scary to be with.

"Try your best, you can try more than once if it fails", Namjoon assured him, trying to calm him down.
"You mean if I die. The only way to fail is if I die in there-"

"You don't really die, it just feels like it", Seokjin chuckled, "Be thankful, you'll already know the process of dying before you do it in reality."
"How calming", Taehyung grumbled under his breath and then just looked at Jungkook warningly, "If you let me die in there-, I will personally kick you off this spaceship."

"That's sexy", Jungkook replied, not intimidated at all.

"We're in this together Jungkook, we both have to survive or we won't make it through this stupid testing phase."

"It's okay, we won't die", Jungkook shrugged, unbothered.

"How can you be sure of that", Taehyung bit his lips and looked down to the ground, balancing his weight from one foot to the other. "Because I really am not so sure-"

"You created me", Jungkook said softly, "I'm sure you made me strong enough to protect us", he gave the older a wink and then grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Seokjin and Namjoon were staring at them with wide eyes, shocked by Jungkook's sudden act of comfort. All of them were sure that this boy wasn't able of positive feelings-, yet he just comforted a scared Taehyung.
"What are you looking at you ugly fuckers", Jungkook suddenly snapped and kicked Namjoon's leg harshly. Seokjin gasped, kicking Jungkook's leg now because he just hurt Namjoon but all he got for that was Jungkook punching with his fist in the elder's stomach. "Go fuck yourself", Jungkook hissed and then pulled Taehyung closer, "Can't we kick them off this ship instead?"

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