Chapter 8

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A couple weeks later

Deku awoke to screaming, making the kitsune panic.

He quickly got up and hurried out of bakugo's room praying to the gods that kacchan wasn't hurt.

By the time deku got down the stairs the screaming had stopped and instead of finding an attacker, he found bakugo on the couch who was completely fine and three other people sitting next to him watching a movie.

He recognized kirishima but not the other two.

One was a boy with long black hair next to him was a yellow haired boy who was sleeping on his shoulder.

"Aww why didn't you tell us about this little guy" a female voice said.

Deku turned to the sound of the voice to see a girl with pink hair coming out of the kitchen with sodas in her arms.

Another thing hit deku he was still in his fox form he must have fallen asleep in this form.

Bakugo shrugged in response keeping his eyes on the tv "I forgot he even exist"

Mina rolled her eyes in response and handed sero and kirishima a soda.

Mina threw the soda towards bakugo who caught it.

She placed the last two sodas on the coffee table before kneeling on the ground facing deku.

She offered her hand out towards him "hey come here little guy"

Deku stood there not knowing what to do he looked to Bakugo for help.

Bakugo didn't even glance his way instead he conuinted to watch the movie and drink his soda.

Deku finally stepped towards the girl who smiled in response.

She began to pet him, making Deku immediately relax to her touch.

"He's so soft you guys gotta pet him" Mina said

Sero got up from the couch doing his best not to wake kamanri and also began to pet the ball of fluff.

"You guys are acting like y'all never Peted an animal before" bakugo retorted

The two instead ignored him and kept  petting him making the fox overwhelmed with all the attention he was receiving.

Suddenly the screaming happened again making deku jump and look for the source of the sound.

It was coming from the tv deku headed towards it and began to watch it, the screaming was coming from a woman who was running in a dark forest from the killer.
"Your blocking the tv" bakugo muttered

Before Deku could move bakugo picked him  up from the floor and plopped him  down on the couch right between him and kirishima.

A couple of hours had passed and the group spent the time lazing around and watching movies.

Deku had fallen asleep curled up under bakugo.

"Aww look at him" Mina whispered.

Mina and sero immediately pulled out there phone and began taking pictures of the fox making bakugo roll his eyes.

"We're going to the mall do you wanna come?" sero asked, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Sure why not" bakugo said, getting up from the couch he turned to see kamanri still asleep and now kirishima was too.

After waking up the two sleeping beauties the group had got in the car ready to go.

Bakugo was the last to go he grabbed his phone and wallet.

As soon he got to the door he stopped in his tracks and his eyes went to the sleeping fox.

He quietly pulled his phone out taking a photo before shoving it back in his pocket.

He reached a hand out to the sleeping fox head only to stop.

He shook his head and hurried out the door not noticing the fox slightly open his eye and watch the boy leave.

Time skip to the mall

The group decided to split up and meet back at the food court.

Bakugo decided to head to the bookstore.

Once there he headed straight to the manga isle.

He began to browse through the manga before grabbing two all might manga.

He headed to the cashier and watched them ring it up.

"24 dollars and 80ct"

Bakugo pulled his wallet out and handed them the money.

Bakugo bit his lip when realizing he didn't have enough change.

"I'll pay for it" a voice said.

Bakugo turned to the voice to see a man with golden eyes that reminded bakugo of a hawk the man was beautiful but definitely wasn't bakugo type.

The man handed bakugo his money and books.

"Thanks" bakugo replied

"Welcome" The man offered his hand "nice to meet you kid I'm keigo tamaki" he said

Bakugo shook the man's hand "Bakugo Katsuki"

"Say bakugo why don't we have a little chat?"

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