Chapter Five

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If deku was in his normal form he would have been flipping the redhead off.

Kirishima was surprisingly calm picking up the fox and putting him on the ground.

"I guess he got to excited"

"I'm sorry kirishima"

Kirishima smiled at the boy.

"It's fine I should be taking my leave anyway" he said as he grabbed his bookbag.

Bakugo apologized to him again as he left walked out the door.

Bakugo closed the door his smile went away.

His eyes went to deku who was now in his normal form laying on the couch.


Deku shrugged "it was about time he left so I gave the sign for him to leave"


"Why would you want something not human in your home"

Bakugo furrowed his brows.

"The fuck are you talking about your not human" bakugo snapped

"The redhead is not human he has the apearance of one but he's not"

Bakugo shook his head "your just telling lies your just being jealous Because he flirted with me"

Deku sighed "fine Don't believe me I'm just a crazy fox"

"Yeah you are you should really give up on me because I like kirishima not you"

Deku slouched in the couch letting fall in to it.

"Aren't there some kitsunes that want you go find them" bakugo added.

Deku watched the boy grab his things and head upstairs to his room slamming the door when he was in.

Deku though over Bakugo's words, it wouldn't hurt to visit her it had been awhile.

He pulled himself out of the couch.

He walked up the stairs to Bakugo's door giving it a knock.

"What the hell do you want"

"Um I'm going to be out for a while so please Don't lock me out"

"Yeah sure" bakugo muttered.

Before deku could say anything music started to blast through the door.

Deku went back down the stairs and walked out the door.

Turning into his fox form and began walking onto the sidewalk.

The sun was coming down as he walked down the sidewalk.

After a while of walking he had found it.

The cemetery it was a very old place he was surprised it was still here the gates were new that seemed to be new.

The gate were open which made it easier for him to get inside.

He walked past the graves and then stopped at her's.

Inko midoriya

Her grave was probably the oldest here.

The rest of the grave stone had been
spray painted with gibberish and stupid symbols.

It pissed the kitsune off seeing her grave ruined but there wasn't much he could do.

He rembered he was twelve at the time coming home only to find her corpse lying there her organs had been spilled out for some odd reason  he ended running to his friend todorki's house to get help.

Somehow they got her buried in a human cemetery he never questioned it but was grateful for it.

He ended up staying with his father after that.

He shifted back to his normal form and sat down infront of the grave giving it a tearful smile.

"Hey Mom, I'm sorry I haven't visited you in such a long time and I didn't bring you anything"

"I miss you and hope your doing well"

"I found bakugo but he doesn't remember me which sucks and I'm on a time limit to get with him since I made that deal"

"I wonder if I even should have that deal I probably should have just let his death go it's a normal thing after all"
A sigh left him as he just shook his head in response of his words.

"I just need to give everything time"

He stood up "I'm sorry this was a very short visit but I should get going"

"I love you"

He walked out of the graveyard and began walking back home in his fox form.

As he began walking back home something caught his eye.

A restaurant that had people eating these triangle food.

He looked up to see what he assumed what the place was called Tony's pizza.

He wanted to go in but he didn't know how the place worked and he didn't have money.

So he went back to heading back home until he felt someone step on his tail making him yelp in response.

He turned to see who the person was.

It was todorki.

The male took his foot off the kitsune's tail before deku could say anything.

He was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and was in the fellow kitsune's car.


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