Chapter seven

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This chapter is just filler

"I can't do it" kirishima said as soon the half n half boy answered the phone.

Todoroki let out a sigh, not really surprised by this.

"Why not?"

Kirishima slouched into the couch "it's wrong bakugo is my friend, I can't play with his feelings I mean I like him but not romantically I'm sorry todoroki I just can't go through with your plan"

The half n kitsune was quiet on the other line making kirishima wonder if he hung up until he spoke again.

"Your right kirishima"

The red headed boy smiled in response.

"I'll get someone else to do it" todorki added

Kirishima smile quickly faded "no no let's just make a different plan that doesn't involve killing or hurting him I mean I don't see what he did to you make you want to hurt him"

"That's none of your concern and besides, don't you want your part of the deal to happen? " the kitsune replied, changing the subject.

"Well I'm sure my friends will accept me in my normal form there really nice" Kirishima replied.

Todoroki only scoffed in response "seriously kiri you think they'll like your normal form humans are the opposite of accepting"

"But you don't know that they could be diff-"

"I do know trust me, how about this there's a festival in a month or two if remember correctly you'll take him there and I'll handle the rest"

"No your just going to hurt him and beside I like some else so me pretending to i like him is just going to ruin our friendship"

"It's just for a month or two of pretending then we'll just temper with his memory" todoroki replied

"So he'll just forget some of memories I guess that's not that bad you just promise not to hurt him"

Todoroki smirked on the other side of the phone "you have my word"

The two gave their goodbyes and hung up.

Kirishima looked down at his phone.

He was doing the right thing right? He gave him his word on not killing bakugo so why was he so worried.


Keigo got off the train and began to head out of subway station.

The kitsune had never really liked the human realm the only thing that kept him coming here was the food, especially the chicken and besides the god needed a break from the spurt world

A buzz sound came from his pocket making the man check his phone.

It was a text message from an unknown number.
Keigo began to read the message.

There's a rumor that there's a nine tailed fox and a human being in a relationship and to add to that the fox had the reccarnaited without permission from the gods.

Keigo was puzzled by how this person got his number but that didn't stop him from wanting to know who this human was.

As soon as he was about to text again a picture who keigo could only assumed was the human
and name which read.

Bakugo Katsuki.

Keigo could just ignore the text and go on with his day but then again a kitsune in a relationship with a human disgusted him, humans only caused problems.

Keigo pocketed his phone already making his decision.

He needed to get rid of this bakugou Katsuki.

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Sorry it was so short I'm not really feeling good right now

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