Chapter Twelve

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Sophia Woods Point of View

The rest of the week went by in a blur. I got lost a few times but I still managed to find my classes. To my surprise, I had lunch with Hunter, Claire, and Peter. I collected each of the syllabuses from my teachers but I didn't have any homework yet. It didn't surprise me, I mean, it was only the first week of school. I can only imagine how much work I'll have next week though.

Some of the people were actually nice, not like anyone at my old school. But some of the more popular kids would shove me or talk about me. It's okay though, it has to be okay. I mean, no one has physically hurt me yet. 

Even though I tried to focus on school, I couldn't get Blake out of my head. Was she okay? Why wasn't she at school this week? Did it have something to do with Victoria? 

Question after question kept running through my head and I only came to one answer. Victoria. Since I have known her, even if it hasn't been that long, Victoria has seemed to be a weak spot for Blake. What did Victoria tell her? Was Blake sad? Depressed? Lonely?

Had she hurt herself?

Even if I didn't want to think about it, my head kept thinking of that same question. And by lunch on Thursday, I had made up my mind. I have to go and see if she's okay. I knew I would be intruding and she could just be sick or busy but I needed to know for sure. I needed to see her. So at lunch today, I asked Peter for her address. I wrote it on a napkin with some pen she had and tucked it into my pocket. Everyone else thought it would be a good idea too because they hadn't heard from her all week either.

The rest of the day had seemed to drag on. Seconds turned into minutes which turned into hours. And soon, the last bell was ringing. I carefully put my folder and notebook into my backpack and zipped it up. I swung the bag over my shoulder and walked down the hallways to the front entrance. I headed outside and over to the parking lot.

"Hey! Sophia! It's me, Peter! Over here!" I heard Peter yelling and my eyes searched the parking lot before they landed on my car. Peter, Hunter, and Claire were all standing there and seemed to be waiting for me. I smiled and brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. Over the week, I had actually grown a liking to all of them. Sure they all have their moments, but they still were really nice.

"H-hey guys. What are you d-doing here?" I stuttered a little as I approached my car. Hunter had his waist around Claire and they were both smiling. Peter was bouncing around and seemed to be excited.

"We just wanted to tell you to have a nice weekend. And here's this." Claire handed me a little piece of paper with their names on it and their numbers beside it. I looked up and saw her smiling. "Call us and let us know how she's doing, okay? We worry about her." They all gave me a genuine smile before moving away from the driver's seat door.

"See ya later Sophia!" Hunter yelled out as they walked to what I'm assuming were their cars. I smiled as I tucked the small piece of paper into my pocket. I opened my car door and got in. I put my backpack into the passenger seat. 

I grab my phone out of one of the side pockets and open up Google Maps. I grab Blake's address from my pocket and typed it in. The Google lady started to tell me directions so I put my seat belt on and started my car. I put it in drive before driving away from the school.

After a wrong turn, several stop signs, and stop lights, I finally found her house. I was parked outside of a two-story house. And it was absolutely gorgeous. The color of the house was a tan-ish color and the trim of the house was dark brown. The roof looked to be brown and black. There were several windows in the front and a tree next to the house. I saw Blake's car here and my eyes widened.

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