Chapter Twenty Three

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*There's a scene in this chapter that can be very triggering for some. Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable.*

Blake Lawson's Point of View

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing as I drove away from Sophia's apartment. There were several reasons I shouldn't be driving. I kept telling myself that I shouldn't drive because of the rain but I knew it was for a different reason.

I knew it was because I was upset. I was upset at myself and at Victoria and at... At myself.

Why did I leave her there? Why did I kiss Sophia and leave her there?

After ten minutes of driving and I realized that the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon. The sides of the streets were starting to fill up with rain, the levels rising with time.

Maybe I should pull over and wait to go home? It's dangerous to go anywhere in this kind of weather.

I pulled over to the side of the road and parked my car, turning it off. I sat back in my seat, running my hands through my hair for what seemed like the millionth time today. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to erase all the problems that clouded my head.

Before I knew it, I had accidentally fallen asleep to the sound of rain outside of my car.

"Go to your room honey. Daddy's just tired. He just needs a nap." Mommy picked me up, brushing the hair away from my face. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

I knew daddy was going to do something that made her sad again. I have to help her!

"But mommy! I don't want to leave you! I have to protect you. What if he-" Mommy put a finger to my lips, making me stop talking. If this was a normal day, I would have tried to bite her finger. But she would only be sadder if I did that.

"Oh baby, he won't do anything to me. I promise. I'm going to put you into bed now and after I get done with daddy, I'm going to read you a bedtime story. Does that sound okay?" She walked into my room and slowly put me into my bed. She messed with my pillow, trying to make it fluffier.

"But mommy-" I reached up but she took my hands into hers. She slowly put my hands back down by my stomach. How am I supposed to protect mommy if she won't let me?

"Shh, it's okay. I'll be right back... And remember," She pulled the blankets up to my chest and brushed my hair to the side.

"I love you so much, baby. Never doubt that." She kissed me on my forehead and then walked over to my door. She blew a kiss at me and winked before leaving, shutting the door behind her. 

What was going to happen to mommy? Was daddy going to be mean again? I've seen him color her with red and purple markers. But when I poke the marks, she looks like she's in pain.

It was quiet for a long time. I thought I heard a few booms or bangs, but I couldn't tell what it was. I pulled the blankets up closer to my chin.

I waited for mommy to come back. I waited and waited forever, but nothing happened. I sat up with the blankets cuddled to my chest. I pulled my blankets away and got out of bed. I tip-toed over to my door, trying to see where everything was in the dark. 

I slowly opened the door, seeing a dark hallway. It's so creepy! But... I have to help mommy. I slowly tip-toed down the hallway and over to the railing by the stairs. I crouched down and looked at mommy and daddy. They were both standing infant of each other, yelling back and forth.

"She's five, Jason! How can you talk about her like that?!" Mommy yelled at daddy really loudly. What did daddy do to get in trouble?

"I don't give a fuck. You're the whole reason she's here, you slut! Everyone said you should have gotten an abortion but-" I put my hand up to my mouth and watched as mommy smacked daddy across the face! Wow, I had only ever seen that on TV.

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