Chapter Eighteen

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Sophia Woods' Point of View

I focused on the road home, trying to keep my mind blank, but I kept thinking of Blake. I couldn't help but feel a connection when we're together but I don't think she feels the same.

Even if she did, it wouldn't change anything. One, Victoria and her were probably going to get back together. Two, there's no way she could love me for who I really am.

You're broken.

My grip on my steering wheel tightened, my knuckles turning the slightest bit of white. Maybe I could talk to her about it? Ask about her feelings for Victoria? Maybe they've changed.

I glanced over at Blake as I opened my mouth but heard her soft breathing first. 

Oh, she's sleeping.

Well, maybe she won't mind if I turn on the radio so it isn't so quiet. I reached for the dial on the radio but hesitated. What if it wakes her up?

Will she get mad?

Of course, she will. You can't expect everyone to be different from him. Stop having hope. Just give up.

I winced from my own thoughts, retracting my hand and putting it back on the steering wheel. Maybe I could just... Hum something? She wouldn't mind that, right?

I opened my mouth to inhale but my voice was still caught in my throat. 

Wait, she said something earlier about everyone meeting at the mall. Would it be like last time? Was Victoria going to be there? Will Victoria try to hurt Blake again? 

I couldn't help but feel the ache in my heart as I thought about everything that Victoria has put Blake through. I know they both care about each other but... Victoria doesn't sound very healthy for Blake. Of course, I shouldn't butt in or anything... But what if they get back together? Will Blake be happy?

Will I be left behind?

I felt my face turn into a frown the harder I thought. 

Would Victoria try to hurt me? Would she make fun of me? Did she find out where I'm from? What's going to happen?

I tried not the hyperventilate as my thoughts increased, but it was hard.

For some reason, I felt so close to Blake. I've only known her for about a week but I feel as though I've known her my entire life. I feel like I can trust her... Which is absolutely terrifying. I have never wanted to trust someone. Not after everything that he has put me through.

Could I just be naive and wanting a friend so badly that I was willing to let myself get hurt?

As I drove, I began to think of something else. I feel like I accomplished my mission today. I mean, it seemed like Blake hadn't thought about Victoria in a while... But if she wouldn't have come today, she wouldn't have gotten hurt.

I really appreciated the fact that she was trying to hide her pain earlier when I pour the peroxide onto her hand, but it also hurt me to see her hiding that pain. Did she think I was weak? Is that why she pretended she was okay? Or was it because she was trying to protect me?

*One Hour Later*

I pulled into Blake's driveway, noticing the sun was closer to the west horizon. I shut off my car and sat back in my seat, sighing in content of finally getting off the road. I looked over at Blake and noticed she was still sleeping.

But instead of having her head turned towards the door, she was facing my direction now. I couldn't help but stare at her as she slept, as creepy as that sounds.

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