Chapter Four

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Blake Lawson's Point Of View

We all head for the kitchen to get some snacks and honestly, I'm so excited. It's been awhile since we've all hung and out and I have a good feeling about tonight.

I watch as Peter grabbed a handful of everything from the table before walking back to the living room. Hunter got some chips and Claire picked out a couple of cookies and then they left. Victoria grabbed some Twizzler's and a couple cookies but didn't leave the kitchen. She's probably waiting for me.

Sophia stood in the kitchen and looked between Victoria and I before looking down. She pushed her glasses up her nose and looked down at her feet. I grabbed some cookies and watched as Sophia continued to stand there.

"Hey, you know you can get anything you want, right? There's plenty for everyone." I spoke softly because she seemed so jumpy.

Her bright green eyes peered into mine before she hid behind her hair and slowly nodded. I thought for a second before walking over to Victoria. I kissed her on the forehead before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"I'm going to see if I can get her to warm up to us more. I'll meet you in the living room, okay love?" I pull away from her and watched as she hesitantly nodded. She walked out of the kitchen, a little sway in her hips, and Sophia seemed even more tense now.

"Alright, what do you like to eat?" I said looking at all of the things on the table. Surely there's something here that she might like. Maybe she had a severe allergy to a lot of foods.

"Um, I-I don't kn-know." She whispered and took a step back while still looking at the ground. "I-I don't r-really need to e-eat a-anything, I'm alright." She pulled her sleeves down and held them in her palms. She bit her lip nervously, looking down at the floor.

"Are you sure?" She slowly nodded. Hm, I wonder... "What did you eat today?" Her eyes suddenly widened as she looked up at me. Her mouth opened a couple of times, like she was debating on what she might say. 

"W-well, I-I... I was going t-to eat s-something this m-morning... But then I-I had to g-go to the store... So then I-I thought I would j-just eat lunch." She almost looked scared to continue but then she spoke again after taking a shaky breath. "But t-then I had to unpack b-boxes cause I-I just moved and so I-I..." She looked down at the ground as tears welled up in her eyes. Had she not eaten all day? When was the last time she ate?

I saw that her hands were trembling and a few tears were now rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before inhaling a shaky breath.

Woah, I wasn't expecting this. Why was she so scared? Had someone hurt her before? Was she bullied? Was it her family? Why are her walls built so high?

"Hey, hey. It's okay." I stepped closer, stopping in my tracks when she tensed up. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Okay? Trust me." She looked at me, fear clearly written across her face. 

I walk closer to her and hear her breath hitch. I stop when her back's against the counter. She's shorter than me and I feel like that intimidated her. I slowly crouch onto the ground and sat on my knee's. I look up at her and place my hand's on my knee's with my palm's upwards.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Okay?" I raised my hand's up to her level, hoping she might place her hand's on mine. Her breathing is starting to slow down so she isn't hyperventilating anymore. She hesitated before placing her pale, shaky hand's onto mine. 

Her hand's are freezing!

I slowly wrap my hand's around her's. I'm not sure why or how I thought about this, I just feel like this is a good way for her to warm up to us. To show her that we aren't going to hurt her and that she can trust us. It's clear that she was or is abused and I feel nothing but empathy for her. I want to help her in any way I can. If that means giving giving her my full attention, then I will do that for her.

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