"I saw you!" He yell and Nate cried at the empact his head received from the force. "No, you dont understand! I wasnt hurting her! I was helping her!" He yanked him closer, "It didnt look like that to me!" Nate eyes widen more, "I swear! Im a doctor! I was taken because I owe a debt! I was just looking out for her and the little girl! I didnt hurt them! I would never hurt them!" He screamed and the man looked at Nate and lets him go as I felt a hard contraction which causes me to scream.

The man rushes over to me, he pulls me to him and grips my face as I felt tears pour out my eyes. "Talia baby, looking at me." He says and the moment I do, I'm met with the most beautiful blue orbs I have ever seen. They only belong to one person, Ryder. I bury my face into his chest to take in his scent. Making sure he was really here and he was. "Ryder! Your really here?! Leslie!" I felt him nod and pull me closer to him.

I start to feel hot and my eyes start to close. "Whats wrong with her!?" I hear someone scream. "I was trying to help her. Leo stabbed her and she went into Labor." I couldn't hear anything but a few seconds later, I felt myself getting lifted. I felt my world going away and the only thing I could think of was Leslie. I need to find Leslie. Ryder is going to be upset with me because I lose Leslie. Hawk and everyone is going to hate me because I didn't protect her. I need to get Leslie.

I felt myself being placed down. I try and force my eyes open and they only flutter a little. "Talia. Talia, can you hear me?" I heard a voice ask. I try to say something but I don't now if they heard me. They started to yell drive faster, drive faster. I groaned when I felt a hard contraction. It hurt so bad that I felt like my body was slipping away.

God please save my son. Please save Leslie.



That beeping was annoying. Who's phone has that annoying ringtone. Whoever it is, I want to smack the shot out of them. I try to open my eyes but I felt like something was holding them down. I try my hardest to open them and soon I seen a little light but it burned my eyes.

I groan, "What the-" I heard someone gasp, "Ryder! She is waking up, someone get a doctor, NOW!" I groan at the loud noise. "Baby, Talia." I heard a voice and it sounded groggy and rough. Ryder, he is here. "Baby, can you open your eyes for me?" I groan and try again. But the moment the light hits my eyes again, I squeeze them shut. "Lower the lights, now!" He yells at someone and then says, "Baby, try again." I do as he says and the moment I push my eyes open little, I feel so much better, but the vision is a little blurry.

I hear movement around me, "Talia?" I hear another voice. "Talia, it's Nate. I need you to open your eyes for me. Take your time though." I do what he says and take my time. After what felt like forever, my eyes open but my vision is a little blurry. "I can't see." I cried and I heard someone growl, "Whats wrong with her?"

"Ryder, I need you to give her a second, this is normal." I heard Nate tell him. "Ryder, you need to calm down and let him do his job." I heard a deeper voice and I recognized it at Hawk, "Dad?" I whispered, "Hey Sweetheart, I'm here. Just take your time."

Hawk has been the most amazing father figure since I met him. He opened his arms and heart to me. He has always made sure I was comfortable and the moment I called him dad on a accident for the first time, he didn't even flinch, he just smiled at me. Ever since then he was my dad, my dad-in-law, same thing.

"Talia, I'm going to put some eye drops in your eyes and then I want you to try and open them again. But this time, you should be able to see much clearer." Nate says and I nod, "Alright, here we go." I felt his hand pull my eye open and felt something drop in my eye. He then did the same to the other. "Alright, I'm going to sit you up. Your going to feel a little discomfort but that's normal, okay?" I nod, "I trust you."

Her Biker Baby DaddyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα