Chapter 10; getting to know each other

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Ethan's pov

Since Mark wasn't allowed to go anywhere, the only time I could see him was during school.

During this time I tried to get to know Rachel more. She was my only contact with Mark and she was Mark's best friend, so getting to know her would be good.

"What's up, Nestor?" Rachel asks, joining me at a park bench.

"Nothing much, just wanted to hang out."

"Just us?"

"Yeah, I thought It'd be good for us to get to know each other more."

"That actually sounds fun. Wanna walk around?"

I nod and follow Rachel as we walk down a path.

"So we could do a game of two truths and a lie or just talk about random stuff." Rachel suggests.

"Why not both?"

"Good idea. I'll go first." Rachel says.

"Okay first, I'm ambidextrous, second I was born in New York, where I will return when I graduate."

"New York? I've never been." I say truthfully.

"Not a world traveler?"


"Well if you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go? Greece? Spain? Paris?"

"Uh, Paris maybe. What's your third thing?" I ask her.

"My third thing?"

"Yeah, we we're playing two truths and a lie."

Rachel laughs slightly, "Sorry I'm not good at staying on topic. My third is I'm a leo." She says smiling.

"Hmm, so ambidextrous, born in New York, and a leo."

I weigh the options out in my head.

"..I think you're not ambidextrous."

Rachel pulls a pen from her pocket and writes her name on her palms, switching hands as she does so.

The writing was identical.

"Dang, what was the lie?"

"I was born in Cincinnati."  Rachel says smirking.

"Crap! I completely forgot you and Mark grew up together."

"You're turn,"

"Uh..okay first one is growing up I had two gerbils, I've been lobstering, or my brother crashed into a truck when he was learning to drive stick."

"Hm, Mark told me you were born in Maine, so you going lobstering makes sense. I don't know much about your brother but that makes sense. I'm gonna say you only had one gerbil."

"Incorrect. I had two gerbils, one named Abigail and one named Sarah."

"So what was the lie?" She asks me.

"I've never been lobstering in my life."

^^^Mark's pov

I turn down my music when I hear my phone go off.

"Yeah, Rachel?"

"Hey, Mark."

It was Ethan.

I smile, "Hey Eth, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just hanging out with Rachel. I hope you'll be able to leave soon."

"I doubt it, but we'll see."

"It really sucks that you're mom is treating you like this. She's going to be sad when it doesn't work."

"She'll probably sign me up for an exorcism." I joke.

"I can drop you off some stuff if your bored." Ethan offers over the phone.

"Thanks, but during my little quarantine I started up this tv show. It's pretty good."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then?"


The phone beeps, leaving me with the silence of my room.

^^^ Mark's pov

"How's home?" Ethan asks as we walk towards the cafeteria.

"The same. At least my mom lets Chloe over so I'm not completely bored." I say sitting down at the lunch table.

"I bet the park is pretty right now." I add.

"I haven't been to our place, but the rest of the park is super pretty. I'm sure your mom would let you go."

"Well actually I was thinking.. I'd sneak out."

"You'll just get in more trouble." Ethan says opening up his lunch.

"Not unless I'm careful."

"I don't know Mark. This doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Well it was just an offer, but if you'd like to take me up on it you can just tell Rachel and she'll tell me."

Soon, our whole table is full and a random conversation starts.


"Hey Mark you've got a delivery." Rachel says opening my room door.

Rachel hands me a folded peice of notebook paper.

I recognized Ethan's handwriting instantly.

I'll be at our place Wednesday after school <3

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