Chapter 5; I AM SPECIAL

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(video linked is where I got the inspo from)

Mark's pov

I make sure to keep my eyes on the road as I listen to Ethan go on about a story.

He was so cute when he rambled.

We finally get to his house.

"Bye Ethan!" I call after him.

He turns around and waves, before walking into his house.


I unlock the door to my house, going to my room and closing the door behind myself.

Today felt so surreal. Like an out of body experience.

Never did I ever think I'd be going on a date with one of my friends, let alone a guy, and enjoy it.

Now that I had time to process everything, I think I actually like guys. Which might have given me more problems than solutions, but that's what I have Ethan for.

He's been through all of this before.

Ethan's pov

I wave goodbye to Mark before walking into my house.

My mom was in the kitchen doing something, but other than that the house was empty.

My older brother, Andrew, went out with his friends and my dad usually got off from work later at night.

I go upstairs to my room and close the door behind me.

Today with Mark was amazing. It was like a dream come true.

I always liked Mark. It's always been a tiny crush I could usually push to the back of my head, but tonight just allowed those feeling to get bigger.

Even better, I think Mark likes me back. Which of course I was happy about. I was excited to help guide Mark into being comfortable with his sexuality.

Since I still have work to do to make sure my podcast gets uploaded on time, I change into some more comfortable clothes and sit down at my desk.

^^^ Mark's pov

I pause my music when I hear my phone go off.

Ethan had updated the podcast.

I smile to myself and plug in my headphones.

"Hey guys welcome back to my podcast. Today's going to be a little bit longer because I'm going to start off with a story time! If you would like to skip, I'll have the timestamp in the description."

I hadn't seen Ethan since our date, which wasn't long ago. Probably like a week or so.

Usually we'd all group up and go out to eat or something, but Rachel was busy with theater, Jimmy was out with his parents, and Jack was at drum lessons.

"So anyway I had a very fun weekend. Remember that friend I told you guys about? Well..we went on a date. Turns out he's.. let's call it curious and decided he'd go in a date with me to see if he liked guys."

He was talking about me. On his podcast. That made me feel special.

He talks about our date for a little longer before going back to his original content.

I decided not to watch for the remainder of it, because all of my close friends were going to come over and spend the night.

I doubt we were going to sleep but I had extra blankets incase we ended up passing out.

Rachel got here first because she lives a few houses away from me.

"Let's get this party on the road!" Rachel says taking a bag of chips from the table and opening them.

Soon there's a knock on the door and Jack walks in with a green bag over his shoulder.

"I brought extra controllers if we end up playing any games."

"If we end up playing any games? I don't think you know who I am." Rachel says jokingly.

Jimmy soon shows up leaving us waiting for Ethan.

Around ten minutes later, the front door opens and Ethan walks in.

"Sorry I'm late. I over slept." Ethan says.

"Okay, well now that everyone's here, we can do whatever until we pass out."


After an intense round of pillow fight, a few rounds of sharp shooter games and a long snack break, we were still early into night.

I could tell we were all starting to feel tired because Ethan was huddled on the couch claiming he wasn't sleeping and Rachel was starting to make weird jokes that don't usually start coming out unless she's tired.

"I have an idea! What if we all go into Mark's closet, put on whatever we find and then film a funny sketch?" Rachel exclaims.

We all agreed to do it.

I woke Ethan up and we joined the rest of our friends in my old bedroom that had all of my old Halloween costumes.

Soon we were all dressed up.

I dressed as an angel with a shot gun, Jack dressed as a 80s disco maniac, Jimmy as a creepy gardener, and Ethan as a well I didn't really know what he was.

The sleep over eventually devolved into  five sleep deprived teens running around the house screaming.

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